on 1:07 PM

Astigmatism is a common problem that affects the eyes. It means that the eye is slightly out of shape. Instead of being a round shape as most eyes are, it is actually more of an oval shape. There is not usually just one misalignment in most cases of astigmatism but two because there are generally two curves in the cornea, a steeper curve and a shallower curve. This means that the light does not focus on just one point in the eye. It can mean that the vision of the sufferer is not as clear as it should be and there are several effects that this can have.

Shortsightedness is quite common with those that suffer from astigmatism. This can also happen when the light in the eye does not get focused properly on the retina. This is because of the oval shape that is caused by the astigmatism not letting the light travel in a straight line to the back of the retina. The effect of this is that the sufferer has good vision when things are close to them but has problems when they are far away. When seeing things that are further away they are not in focus and appear blurred.

Another condition that can be caused by astigmatism is long-sightedness; this is the opposite of shortsightedness. This is caused by the same effect as shortsightedness when the light is not refracted directly on to the retina but actually goes behind it. This means that the sufferer has trouble seeing things that are close up but can see things more clearly when they are further away. Both of these conditions can result in blurred vision and can be a problem with astigmatism.

There are several ways that the doctor can diagnose astigmatism. It is most likely to be noticed when testing the eyes. The optometrist can also use corneal topography and refraction to test for this. Using glasses or lenses usually can correct astigmatism but there are also surgical solutions that can give a more permanent solution. Laser eye therapy can also be used to correct astigmatism. There is also a surgical solution that corrects the astigmatism, which is done by making a small incision to the front of the eye. The best person to advise you about your astigmatism is your optometrist. There is not always a single solution to every astigmatism and they can give you the best options for yours.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Vision-Doctor.com He provides more eye surgery solutions, LASIK information and details on astigmatism and laser eye surgery that you can research in your pajamas on his website.
