on 1:33 PM

Aromatherapy is an ancient art that has been used for thousands of years as an aid to physical and emotional well being. Aromatherapy and its use can be traced back as far as the ancient Egyptians, who took advantage of essential oils therapeutic powers. Aromatherapy has also been used for a very long time in the Far East and China.

Effects of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a branch of herbology and the study of aromatherapy may best be considered in these four areas of application:

Aesthetic - the effects essential oils have on the beauty of skin and hair.

Psycho - the effects aromas have on our moods and feeling; known as aromachology.

Holistic - the integration of the divine into the body, mind, and spirit.

Medical - the effects essential oils have in enhancing and maintaining a state of homeostasis.

Method of application

An essential oil is a liquid distilled from the leaves, stems, roots, flowers, or bark of a plant. Essential oils, which are used in Aromatherapy, are very concentrated, and therefore, they are usually diluted with carrier oil, such as almond oil. Essential oils, in their purest form, tend to be very expensive, because the amount of oil present in plants is extremely small. For example, 440 pounds of fresh lavender flowers yield only 2.5 pounds of essential oil of lavender. Aromatherapy and essential oils can be used for many purposes, such as to calm or rejuvenate the body and mind.

The use of aromatherapy can be seen as part of a lifestyle choice -- a lifestyle that allows for pleasure because a moment of pleasure is healing. Pleasure is described as a source of enjoyment. Why deny yourself the pleasure and the benefits of a feminine fragrance such as Rose from Morocco or Bulgaria?

By understanding how to apply aromatherapy in daily use, you can enjoy the scents and help to maintain a system of preventative care for you and your family's long-term well-being.

For more information, visit these sites: http://www.AromatherapyInfoCenter.com or http://www.PerfumeInfoCenter.com

on 11:39 PM

Daahling, Ms. BB hopes that you do not have a disease known as arthritis. However, if you are one of the millions who has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo Arthritis , or one of the many other types, you know that it is not only painful joints and physical restrictions, but also that arthritis takes a toll on your emotional well being..

Depression often sets in to those affected by arthritis as they struggle to learn how to continue with everyday activities that were once normal and easy to do. Things as simple as holding a glass, writing a letter, or taking a bath may now seem like major chores. Many arthritis patients wake up one morning and think they are partially paralyzed ~ only to be told by their doctor that they have morning stiffness.

The typical response is to accept conventional treatment that medical doctors so willingly prescribe. Unfortunately, most medications have serious side effects ~ side effects that can harm your vital organs while merely halting your symptoms temporarily while the disease itself progresses.

Now there is hope for treatment that does not have any damaging effects at all. On the contrary, it is guaranteed to have beautiful side effects. Gemstone Therapy is a treatment that can target both the arthritis patient's emotional and physical symptoms while making them look and feel simply gorgeous.

Michael Katz, author of Gemstone Energy Medicine, Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit, explains that you are a complex spiritual organism comprised of many dimensions, physical and nonphysical. Gemstone-sphere necklaces can directly affect all these dimensions. They are the easiest and most holistic way to experience the therapeutic benefits of gemstones.

Try placing a gemstone necklace around your neck and know that the stones' energies are radiating into your aura, which is an energetic reflection of your physical body and inner dimensions. Once inside, the energy will work to dissolve blockages ~ both physical and emotional.

The gemstones Mr. Katz suggests to use for Rheumatoid Arthritis are:

Agate ~ Agate nourishes your physical body to make you feel more grounded and comfortable.

Bloodstone ~ Bloodstone helps your body fight infection, removes toxins, and helps your cells absorb nutrients.

Carnelian ~ Carnelian's rays encourage your mind, emotions, and cells to release disharmony and disease, and supports positive emotions.

Indigo ~ Indigo helps bridge your intuition and your conscious awareness, freeing more of your mental energies.

Lavender ~ Lavender aligns your body, thereby releasing energy blockages to correct old issues.

So Daahling, if you have physical or emotional pain, or both, simply try a little Bling around your neck. Ms. BB promises it will not hurt, and will surely make you feel like the beautiful person you truly are!

Roxanna and Ms. BB have created http://BlingSpa.com featuring Gemstone Therapy, an alternative method of treating disease without harmful side effects. The Bling Spa also features exclusive Bling makeovers for you, your pets, and your home.

Also visit Ms. BB at http://BlingBlingMarketplace.com ~ where the In-Crowd shops.

Remember Daahling, A Bling A Day Keeps The Shrink Away

Please note: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a licensed healthcare professional.

on 7:33 PM

On September 30th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid(CMS) announced the details of Medicare Part D Precription Plan. Many people who suffer from chronic depression are disabled and depend upon Medicare for healthcare. This looks like an excellent progam for the disabled. It will be very helpful in covering antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs, which are very expensive.

Mark McClellan, the Administer of CMS, announced that organizations offering Medicare prescription drug coverage ?will cover the vast majority of products commonly used.? He added that plans are covering ?88% of drugs used by seniors or those on disability?. More extensive information on formularies will be released during the first week of October.

McClellan urged beneficiaries to concentrate on comparing plans based on their own preferences about premiums, deductibles and other plan design features - and not to focus on the standard benefit required by the Medicare Modernization Act. That is because competition among plan sponsors has yielded an abundance of plans available to most seniors, many of which go beyond the standard minimum.

For example, potential enrollees in every state will be offered at least one plan with an annual deductible less than the $250 level in the standard benefit, and in many cases they can select a plan with no deductible. Many plans have flat drug copays rather than a percentage coinsurance. In addition, MA-PDs in all but nine states are offering some drug coverage through the Medicare drug benefit's coverage gap, which otherwise would require beneficiaries to pay for drugs themselves after reaching a certain level of drug costs.

I know that this information is critical to many of you. Obviously, those of you on Medicare will be receiving detailed information in the coming weeks. I hope that this quick reference to the overall details of the plan is helpful.

For those who suffer from chronic or recurrent depression that does not respond to antidepresants, the U.S. Food Drug Administration(FDA)just approved the first ever long term treatment option for depression: vagus nerve stimulation. You can learn more about this medical breakthrough procedure at http://www.VagusNerveStimulator.com

There is a free newsletter to keep you up-to-date on the latest developments about this unique and effective treatment.

Charles Donovan is founder of the http://www.VagusNerveStimulator.com web site and Bulletin. His book:

Out of the Black Hole: The Patient's Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression

was exhibited at the 2005 American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting in Atlanta( 20,000 psychiatrists). He was implanted with the device in the FDA investigation trial on April 4, 2001, The ninety-minute out patient procedure completely changed his life after 20 years of depression and countless antidepressant/antidepressant combinations, including ECT.

on 1:27 AM

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one of those common complaints nobody ever talks about. Studies show that it affects up to 30 % of the UK population. In the USA it rivals the common cold for the major cause of absenteeism in industry. Technically IBS is a functional disorder of the gut where the normal movement of the gut is hurried along or spasms occur. The main symptoms are diarrhoea -constipation - variable bowel habit -alternating diarrhoea and constipation -colicky abdominal pain, often relieved by passing wind or stools - bloating. Less frequently there may also be -heartburn - tiredness - back pain and rumbling in the tummy.

There is no organic cause for IBS but that doesn't mean it is all in the mind. IBS may be worse at times of stress. It is not hereditary but it may run in families perhaps because of a dietary or environmental link. It may be constitutional, meaning you have extra-sensitive gut muscles, or an overreaction to certain foods and chemicals. Women may find IBS worse after a period or after the menopause pointing to a link with oestrogen production. An estimated 25% of IBS cases are triggered by a bout of gastro-enteritis or food poisoning. IBS can be made worse with certain drugs, such as long-term antibiotics, which kill off the normal bacteria in the gut, codeine, laxatives and alcohol. Diagnosis can be a problem because symptoms vary. IBS is a disease of exclusion - in other words if you can rule out all other possibilities IBS is what you are left with.


Treatment is aimed at alleviating the symptoms and the distress they produce. Reassurance and medical review help the patient to realise that although IBS is life- long it is not life threatening. Life-style changes such as reducing caffeine, alcohol and smoking all help. Diet can help if it's a high fibre one but the overuse of laxatives can make the situation worse. Treatment with connective tissue manipulation helps to reduce the tension around the gut, allowing the normal passage of stools through the system and more normal function to be restored.


Jacqueline is one of a few UK Physiotherapists combining Connective Tissue Manipulation, Manual Lymph Drainage, the MacKenzie Exercise Regime and Cranio-sacral Therapy in private practice. During the past four years she has successfully treated over 1,000 patients with spinal problems and a further 1,300 patients with other muscular skeletal problems in her Gillingham Physio Centre in Dorset. In order to offer her specialist techniques to a greater number of patients she started the London Physio Centre at 148 Harley Street. A Chartered and State Registered Physiotherapist, Jacqueline qualified at St Thomas's Hospital, London with additional emphasis in the treatment of backs and necks. She spent five years at the Leicester Royal Infirmary gaining experience in all branches of physiotherapy and became Senior Physiotherapist on the Medical Unit. In 1977 she created a private practice at the Leicester Clinic, eventually covering all orthopaedic, spinal and post-op physiotherapy.

on 3:57 PM

Some people may be intimidated by the idea of getting a massage. Perhaps it is out of shyness- the thought of someone massaging your body while being naked is not something everyone is readily open to.

It's actually very simple really and is done all the time. You don't need to worry about anything because as professionals, massage therapists do this for a living and they will not try to intentionally make you feel any discomfort. On the contrary, the role of massage therapists is to reduce stress and improve circulation in your body amongst other benefits.

All your job is, is to lay down and let the massage therapist do their job. Let them focus. It's not wise to start a conversation with them during this process. Simply relax, and allow them to do their job. Feedback is another story though. Massage therapists are open to hearing any feedback you have for them either before or during the massage session.

Try to be helpful to them in ways that will allow them to optimally provide you the best massage experience possible. Try to allow yourself to enjoy the experience as well. Loosen up you body, and allow the massage therapist to work their magic.

Hurry onto the author's web site for good and useful content on massage therapy school insider news before the clock ticks twelve!


on 3:51 PM

Everything that has come to be in this moment is a by-product of everything that has ever been. It?s inescapable. The future begins right here inside you, and it is based on the contributions of every human who has ever lived.

You could not be who you are, were it not for all that has come before you. Like the ocean wave that laps up onto the shore, you are the culmination of many forces meeting, affecting each other, and then moving on.

Wow, isn?t that deep! Perhaps an easier way to say it is at any one time, we only get to see an infinitesimally small portion of anything. So much has gone on to get to each instant it?s incredible! So much so that you get to wonder how we seem to know anything at all with the amazing limitations of our fleeting perception.

Tomorrow, this article will just be one of innumerable influences on your life. Perhaps it will have lasting value to you. Perhaps not. Who we are is a product of accumulated experiences just like that. Based on this, it would appear none of us would really be able to understand another because, on the surface, each of us is composed of moments that the others have not seen.

Yet we all know this is not the case. When someone teaches you a lesson of some sort, you are taking their experience of their moments and running it through the filter of your experience of your moments. Through that, based on a commonality drawn from symbols you can understand, you can then weave the experience into the fabric of your life.

As example, Moby Dick is a story of Captain Ahab?s obsession with a foe. We all can relate to the account of his experience because, in essence, we are ALL experiencing the same story; we?re just getting it through different symbols.

What Melville did was to take the personal story of a man?s obsession ? which exists in the ?unseen? as a universal drive ? and gave it physical character in the form of the written word; the ?seen?. The resulting book holds the history of a life that never was, as told through the mouth of someone who has never been. Still, we embrace the work and praise it for shedding light on areas of our psyche that have been hidden in shadows. Within his creation, we recognize ourselves.

Where did all this come from? Nowhere. Dollars to doughnuts, Melville was just immersed in telling a particular story, the universality of it came as a by-product.

Moby Dick is now something that is part of the psyche of everyone who has ever read it, yet none of us has ever seen the things happening that were described. The unwitnessed, however, has been seen in the mind?s eyes of the readers. And from that comes a bit of a miracle, for as an extension of that imagined experience comes something (seemingly) brand new. Just look at all the books that have been written about Melville and Moby Dick, each offering insights into the piece as well as life itself!

Whatever insights were gained have been around since before any of the books were ever written. If translated into languages that existed before Melville had been born, and read by the people of that time, chances are the universal message would still come through. That?s the unseen Melville worked with, and that?s what we?re working with. In every moment.

A metaphor is defined as ?One thing conceived as representing another; a symbol.? Healers, in order to be effective with all whom they are called to affect, understand that each of us are living out a metaphor for the experience of life.

Essentially, we are all experiencing the same thing, only through different metaphors that are determined by genetic, social, geographical, economic, spiritual, (and on and on) influences.

At its root, this is an attitude of inclusion rather than separation. It's knowing that whatever is seen by the other, if subject to a bit of translation, can be seen by you.

Still, it?s not that easy to either attain or maintain. That?s because sometimes the metaphor in front of you is so obscured by the difference in symbols that you?ve learned to embrace that, no, you really can?t ?get it.?

But if you work hard enough at it -- and that means allowing yourself to get in touch with what lives deepest inside of all of us; that we only wish to live -- then you have a universal common-ground from which to begin a healing moment with another being.

Russ Reina shares over 35 years of experience in the healing arts through his web site http://mauihealingartist.com. It is a potent resource for those wishing to deepen their abilities in connection and develop their powers as healers. For a powerful free tool to explore your inner world, please check out his adjunct site http://thestoryofthis.net

(Permission is granted to reprint this article, unedited, provided proper attribution is made and the signature line -- the above resource paragraph -- is kept intact)

on 7:48 PM

Fibromyalgia is a neurological chronic condition that affects the musculoskeletal tissues of the body. The disorder is mostly responsible for inducing discomfort, pain and fatigue in the muscles, ligaments, tendons and in the areas surrounding the joints. People who suffer from fibromyalgia are constantly confronted with intense pain that tends to reoccur on a regular time basis. The pain caused by the disorder is felt deep inside the muscles and in certain points called trigger points. A common feature to all people with fibromyalgia is the location of the pain; to all patients fibromyalgia pain occurs in the same trigger points. Although people with fibromyalgia perceive the pain at different intensities, they claim to permanently feel a different level of pain in their soft muscular tissues.

An interesting aspect of fibromyalgia is that it can be very difficult to detect in some patients. The symptoms of fibromyalgia are common to many other conditions and therefore they can be misleading in establishing the appropriate diagnose. Although some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia may resemble those of rheumatoid arthritis, people with fibromyalgia seem to be in perfect health when they are examined by a physician, revealing no signs of muscular dysfunctions. Basic physical examinations and common laboratory tests usually don?t reveal the presence of fibromyalgia. This is due to the fact that pain, fatigue and discomfort are mentally induced to patients with fibromyalgia, as a consequence of abnormal activity of their nervous system. Although they show no physical abnormalities or dysfunctions, their experienced pain is real!

Abnormal brain activity is considered to be the main cause of fibromyalgia and there are two areas of the brain thought to be involved in the process. A high output of the mesencephalon (the upper region of the brain) accelerates the heart rate, increases blood pressure and raises the body temperature. People with fibromyalgia often experience sudden changes in body temperature and sometimes they sweat abundantly and even have fever. Also, a high activity of the mesencephalon is responsible for difficulties in falling asleep and inconstant sleep patterns. Most people who suffer from fibromyalgia have trouble sleeping and in some cases they even suffer from insomnia. Therefore, the cause for fibromyalgia lack of sleep is thought to be the abnormal activity of the mesencephalon. The permanent fatigue felt throughout the whole body by people with the disorder is amplified by inappropriate sleeping patterns, un-refreshing sleep or insomnia.

Another part of the brain that is considered to be responsible for inducing other fibromyalgia symptoms (anxiety, depression, lack of concentration, poor cognitive abilities, loss of short-term memory and confusion) is the cerebellum. A lower activity of the cerebellum is thought to be the cause of other fibromyalgia symptoms and the majority of people who suffer from the disorder reveal abnormal activity of both cerebellum and mesencephalon.

Fibromyalgia is considered to be a serious condition. Due to the chronic character of fibromyalgia, patients require ongoing treatment and therapy. If left untreated, fibromyalgia can cause other symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and swelling, vomiting, internal distress. Many people with fibromyalgia also seem to become depressed as the disorder develops and sometimes they even indulge in suicidal acts. Therefore, it is vital to spot the presence of fibromyalgia in time and appropriate measures must be taken in order to prevent further complications and undesirable effects.

So, if you want more information about fibromyalgia alternative therapy and especially for fibromyalgia treatment, please follow this link http://www.fibromyalgia-info-center.com.

on 7:42 PM

Energy healing, a wonderful advancement on alternative therapy, is used to reduce stress and boost confidence and spiritual happiness. It is all associated with the magnetic channels of energies that surround our bodies. Energy healing regulates them and the results are marvelous. These therapies focus on removing clots formed by blocked energy channels from our body auras and charkas. It is non invasive and hence a preferred method of healing for many patients.

It is a spiritual approach to the inner self of a human. It then boosts harmony, clarity and alignment. Practitioners of natural therapy, study and practice for years before they are able to provide effective treatment to patients. They treat people through prayers and focus of mind. They then unfold the altered state of consciousness to clear the imbalances in the energy fields of our body. Techniques such as releasing, reframing, healing the memories, and self-forgiveness balance the aura by expanding it into wholeness.

Once all these imbalances and disturbances are cleared, the energy channels resume their task of integrating the body mind and soul to restore the mental health and wellness. Energy healing can also be performed from a distance also. Experts work from other continents, over telephones, to cure their patients suffering from mental imbalances.

Experts use the same technique of focusing to treat patients even from overseas. The level of their expertise is not measured from the distance they?ve covered in treating their patient?s energy field. It is thus possible to provide a highly effective distance energy healing treatment to a patient in a remote location, even thousands of miles away. One natural distance healing therapy over the telephone usually lasts from 30 to 90 minutes. One should take special care that this time is very precious and there should be no interruption or distortion during this session.

A few precautionary measures that should be taken care of during this session involve the following steps:
* Set a comfortable place to sit or lie down during the therapy session that is free of interruption.
* It is a good practice to keep the room slightly dim and light a candle just before the session starts.
* Metal effects the energy channels around your body so it is better not to keep any metal surface near your body during the session.
* The temperature of the room should be moderate. If it is cold then keep a blanket or sheet around.
* During the therapy it is best to just relax your mind or body as the task is carried out by the expert..

These tips should be followed in all kinds of energy healing sessions whether they are nearly performed or distant.

Alternative Medicine

on 12:57 PM

My childhood memories of aromatherapy are restricted to the beautiful diffusers that my father bought for diffusing the essential oil aroma. Though they were largely clay pot diffusers, they looked attractive in varied colours and shapes.

Diffusers come in the category of aromatherapy accessories. Aromatherapy accessories include the whole range of storage boxes, bottles and jars, diffusers, burners, containers, dispensers etc. Essential oils and other aromatherapy products, being so precious (not exactly in price but in face value to the user), demand special concern in the form of aromatherapy accessories.

Storage box:

It is important to get the best storage boxes for storing your essential oils. Essential oils may get contaminated if exposed to too extreme temperatures. Similarly, direct sunlight is harmful for the aromatherapy products. The most common material used for preparation of storage boxes is alder wood. The boxes will be beautifully carved and given a natural wood finish. When shopping for storage boxes, check that it contain wooden dividers and brass clasp fittings. Also, decide the storage space before making the buying decision.

Bottles and jars:

Essential oils must be stored in dark amber or cobalt blue bottles. These are the best containers to prevent deterioration of the essential oils. Since essential oils are contaminated when exposed to direct sunlight, clear glass bottles are a strict no-no. Plastic bottles may be avoided, particularly when concentrated essential oils are to be stored. It is believed that the oil erodes the plastic and thus it gets deteriorated. The market today has large options for people shopping for bottles and jars. They are available in ranges of 5 ml to 10 ml. Bottles with beautiful designs can be purchased. Some manufacturers also offer the option to design on demand the bottles.

Electric diffusers:

Diffusers are one of the most popular aromatherapy accessories. They are available in a wide range from electric diffusers, nebulizers, fan diffusers, clay pot diffusers etc. They are a cleaner and more effective way of perfuming the environment. Electric diffusers can be left unattended too without the fear of it leading to fire, since there is no naked flame.


Though dispensers and pipettes are only minor aromatherapy accessories, they are quite important. Use an ordinary dispenser and you have the danger of deteriorating your oils. When oil is dispensed from its container, a part of it is left on the pipette. It reacts with the oxygen outside and gets contaminated. When again the pipette is used, the contaminated oil contaminates the entire bottle of oil. So one must purchase the dispensers too with care.

In this way, we see that aromatherapy accessories have a large role to play in increasing longevity of your essential oils. So, take the same care when buying the aromatherapy accessories as when you buy the oils.

Bryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants. To find Aromatherapy essential oils,Aromatherapy Accessories,essential oils wholesale visit http://www.ndaroma.com

on 7:03 PM

Everyone has a lot of extra fat and cellulite they would like to remove from their body. There are also a ton of options you can choose from for help. The options for weight loss products range from bars and shakes all the way to the surgical procedures like liposuction. The bars and shakes in many cases are bogus and do not really work and the surgical procedures do work for some things but not for others. The one thing that does work very well is mesotherapy. Not a whole lot of people are familiar with mesotherapy and that is what we want to clear up for those of you doing research on ways to lose fat.

Mesotherapy is a procedure that consists of injections of various medications and vitamins into the skin to break down the cellulite that has built up in the specific area. The main goal of mesotherapy is to sculpt one?s body, reduce their cellulite and to rejuvenate their skin. Cellulite is the major reason that we have found that people seek out this procedure. Cellulite is basically the bumpy and dimply texture of the skin caused by the hardened connective tissue that holds the cells of fat together. The basic idea is that the fat cells expand from the additional fat entering or water retention and the connective tissue called septae expands with it. The connective tissue solidifies and when the fat cells shrink or expand further the tissue holds the skin in place and that creates the dimples in the skin. There is a more scientific way to put it but that is the general principle.

Mesotherapy is used to do a bunch of things of which a few of them are get rid of fat clumps, improve blood flow to body parts, soften and eliminate cellulite as well as improve lymphatic drainage. These are some great things for both the person?s self image and the health of their body.

Mesotherapy is not a surgical procedure so there is not lag time between the procedure and the returning to work. There are no anesthesias?s to deal with nor any hospital stays to worry about. Continue to do your research and figure out if mesotherapy is for you.

Find more information about Mesotherapy and learn how Mesotherapy works.

on 5:57 PM

More than eleven million people in the United States suffer from depression each year. This medical condition that affects the mind can have lasting effects such as a feeling of hopelessness, lack of ambition and an inability to focus. Depression can affect all age groups and genders, but is more prevalent in women. Consulting a mental help professional such as a psychiatrist is beneficial to obtain proper diagnosis and treatment. This condition can adversely affect school, home life and employment.

Most treatments will involve a combination of drug therapy and natural remedies for a fully balanced physical and emotional state. Medications will likely involve some form of antidepressant drug. The most commonly used types are: tricyclic, Monoamine oxidase inhibitors or MAOI?s, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRI?s. SSRI?s have become the most popular form for treating depression because of the lower risk of side effects. These drugs include names such as Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft.

Therapy is often prescribed with drug treatments to help a person come to terms with issues, symptoms and techniques for dealing with depression. These can be group or individual therapy sessions to talk about issues. Expression therapy such as dance, art or music can help articulate deep feelings and emotions. Relaxation techniques will assist in bringing focus and serenity. Yoga and meditation are ideal forms of this.

Changing lifestyle to promote a better self image and naturally adjust chemicals in the body has also proven helpful. Eating a well balanced diet and adding supplements such as fish oil, Zinc and B vitamins help regulate depression. Exercising several times each week is also valuable. Alternate treatments such as acupuncture and hypnosis may be beneficial to help alleviate symptoms of depression and melds the body, mind and spirit.

It is important to discuss all treatment options with your physician or psychiatrist to decide on the proper combinations. Each person has different levels of depression and a treatment plan should be customized to the individual. If using supplements or radically changing your diet; make sure to inform the doctor so those can be taken into consideration when developing a treatment plan.

Depression does not need to negatively affect a person?s life. With proper treatment, many depressed people live full, happy, successful lives. It is important to take action to help minimize depressive tendencies in order to allow a better sense of well being and peace. Using a combination of drug therapies and natural remedies will bring a balance to mind, body and spirit.

About The Author
Gray Rollins is a featured writer for http://www.depressionso.com. To learn more about depression treatments, visit http://www.depressionso.com/naturalantidepressants/.

on 1:00 PM

People seek alternative therapies for fibromyalgia for many reasons: a desire to avoid numerous prescription medications, the ineffectiveness of prescription medications, the number of unwanted side effects associated with them, or a desire for a more natural therapy for fibromyalgia are just a few.

On this page, we look at some of the currently available alternative therapies for fibromyalgia and some of the natural products that have helped some patients obtain relief.

But before we do that, we will first cover conventional treatment for fibromyalgia.

These typically include sleep medications, muscle relaxers and pain relievers. Doctors may also prescribe anti-depressants, anticonvulsants and/or reuptake inhibitors. It is not uncommon to see reports of patients that take ten or more different prescription medications.

And despite all of this, people search for alternative therapies for fibromyalgia and grasp at anything that may give them relief.

Acupuncture and hypnosis are being studied as natural therapies for fibromyalgia relief. Scientists are doing research in an effort to learn why acupuncture is an effective natural therapy for fibromyalgia for some people.

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves placing very thin needles in the skin at certain points throughout the body. Acupressure is a similar technique that does not involve needles, but applying pressure to those same points. It is sometimes recommended as one of the alternative therapies for fibromyalgia, because doctors do not understand exactly what causes the widespread daily pain that is the most common symptom of fibromyalgia.

And since conventional medications are often ineffective, may be addictive, and can cause numerous unwanted side effects, even doctors look to less conventional methods of treatment for the condition. As a natural therapy for fibromyalgia, acupuncture has been effective for some people and may be worth a try.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy and pain management therapy are sometimes used as alternative treatments for fibromyalgia.

Rather than relieving the pain, these therapies focus on coping with the pain, learning to relax the muscles, reduce stress and avoid negative thinking patterns that may make the perception of the pain greater than it actually is. These alternative treatments for fibromyalgia focus on the mind-body connection and, in particular, how the mind can affect the body. Cognitive-behavioral and pain management therapies have been effective for some people.

Massage and chiropractic therapy are sometimes used as alternative treatments for fibromyalgia. Many people think of chiropractors as back doctors but, in actuality, misalignment of the vertebra may press on nerves and cause pain in other parts of the body, so chiropractic therapy has become a highly recommended form of treatment for all types of chronic pain and may be an effective natural therapy for fibromyalgia.

The effectiveness of massage as a natural therapy for fibromyalgia is questionable. Some patients report that deep muscle massage is actually uncomfortable and increases pain.

Yoga, meditation, prayer and biofeedback have all been used for alternative therapies for fibromyalgia with varying degrees of relief reported. Yoga, swimming and other forms of regular, low-impact physical exercise may accomplish several things as a part of natural therapy for fibromyalgia.

First, regular exercise increases muscular strength and endurance. Second, endorphins released by the brain during exercise are natural pain relievers and mood enhancers. And third, physical activity increases blood flow and oxygen supplies to the muscles. A lack of oxygen in the muscles is believed by some to be one of the causes of fibromyalgia pain.

As natural therapy for fibromyalgia, many people have tried herbs, botanicals and vitamin supplements. Proper nutrition is also important in good health. Unfortunately, chronic pain often leads to depression in many people and, subsequently, they forget or don?t care about eating right and taking care of themselves.

Some of the vitamins and minerals that may be considered as alternative therapies for fibromyalgia include B-complex, omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. These recommendations are related to enhancing energy, mood and healthy joint function.

Sam-E is sometimes recommended as a natural therapy for fibromyalgia, but Sam-E can have unwanted side effects and should be used with care, as should St. John?s wort and kava for depression relief. None of these herbal, botanical and vitamin supplements which are sometimes recommended as alternative therapies for fibromyalgia can relieve pain, but there is one botanical product which often can.

The mangosteen is a fruit that grows only in areas of Southeast and Central Asia and was used traditionally by native peoples in these areas to treat a number of conditions including pain.

Laboratory studies and chemical evaluation has shown that the mangosteen contain analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents and Cox-2 inhibitors, all of which are pain relievers.

Many people who have tried mangosteen supplements or juice as a natural therapy for fibromyalgia have reported amazing results. Of the many alternative therapies for fibromyalgia, mangosteen is one of the few that can address many different symptoms, not only pain, but also depression, fatigue, sleeping problems and lack of energy.

Mike Leuthen is chief editor of http://www.restore-your-health.com, a free resource covering health conditions A to Z. Please visit us for more information on how to alleviate fibromyalgia.

on 1:25 PM

An essential oil is a volatile, aromatic liquid that is generally distilled from the stems, leaves, flowers, roots, bark, or seeds of a plant. Containing the true essence of the plant, the essential oils are highly concentrated and far more potent than dried herbs.

The science of using essential oils is known as aromatherapy. This science is used for psychological and physical well being and for best results, only pure and natural oils should be used.

The origins of aromatherapy date back thousands of years. From documented uses by Napoleon, to references in the Bible, fragrant oils and spices have played a prominent role throughout world history.

Essential oils can be used in many different ways. The English model advocates massage by diluting small amounts of essential oil in a vegetable oil and massaging the body for the purpose of relaxation and relieving stress. The French model includes both ingestion and undiluted topical application. The French believe that taking the oils internally produces the best results. A common method to ingest the oil is to add a few drops of honey, a piece of bread, or in a small drop of vegetable oil. The German model focuses on inhalation. The effect of fragrance on the sense of smell can exert a strong effect on the brain and limbic system. Research has shown that some essential oils can increase oxygenation and activity in the brain.

By using a combination of these three methods, the use of essential oils can be versatile and powerful. In his book, Gary Young suggests that inhalation of essential oils will increase growth hormone secretion, induce weight loss, or balance mood and emotions. Topical applications can produce results with spinal or muscle injuries or defects. He says, The ability of an essential oil to act both on the mind and the body is what makes them truly unique among natural therapeutic agents. The fragrance of an essential oil can be very stimulating--both psychologically and physically. The fragrance of other essential oils may be calming and relaxing, helping to overcome anxiety or hyperactivity. On a physiological level, essential oils may stimulate immune function and regenerate damaged tissue. Essential oils may also combat infectious disease by killing viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.

Dr. David Hill, a chiropractor who sees patients from all around the world seeking to receive the healing power of essential oils, says, I personally have seen the healing properties of essential oils used to treat cancer and many forms of autoimmune disease with spectacular results. For example, it has been discovered that the essential oils of sandalwood has tremendous effect on combating specific types of cancer. Others like frankincense, myrtle, and white fir have been shown to have an effect against specific forms of cancer. Essential oils can build the immune system, offer support to body organs, aid in digestion, and reduce inflammation, just to name a few.

Although essential oils are generally considered without risk, it is wise to respect their powers and become well versed in their use and safety. As beneficial as essential oils are, it is prudent to note the purity is as important as safety. According to Dr. Hill, Efficacy can only be fully realized when there is proper care given to protect the delicate chemical balance associated with essential oils during the distillation process.

Generally speaking, the essential oils that you find in department stores, and even health food stores, are of uncertain quality. When choosing an essential oil, be sure to select a guaranteed, therapeutic grade essential oil. In addition, select and use those oils whose scent you find particularly appealing. The whole principal of aromatherapy is that it should be a pleasurable experience. There will generally be more than one oil you can use for a particular purpose, so you should be able to find one you like.

Sources: Essential Oil Desk Reference, Third Edition by Gary Young, ND, compiled by Essential Science Publishing, http://www.essentialscience.net/ or 1-800-336-6308. Young Living's therapeutic grade essential oils and diffusers available at http://www.youngliving.org/ or 1-800-371-2928, code #703949.

Faye Durham is a former chemist and clinical research associate in the pharmaceutical industry. She has monitored clinical research trials involving the major diseases of our day, including heart disease, cancer, and lung disease. In her work with patients, she asked what can be done to prevent or delay the onset of the chronic diseases, associated with aging. Since most diseases have a life style component, she became interested in the effect of diet and emotions on health. About four years ago, she was introduced to aromatherapy and has become a true believer in its therapeutic benefits, as a holistic method of treatment. In her current career, she works as a researcher, writer, and independent distributor, focusing on nutrition and aromatherapy. You can reach Faye through the website at http://www.ryze.com/go/fdurham

on 7:58 PM

According to the landmark Global Burden of Disease study, mental disorders are the second leading source of disease burden in established market economies and major depression alone ranked as the leading causes of disability. Major depression takes an enormous toll on functional status, productivity, and quality of life, and is associated with elevated risk of heart disease and suicide.

In addition, the rate of treatment for depression is increasing dramatically in the United States. The annual economic burden of depression in the U.S. (including direct care, mortality, and morbidity costs) has been estimated to total nearly $44 billion. This combination of increasing burden and cost has stimulated numerous investigations into population-based strategies to prevent the occurrence of major depression and to encourage more effective treatment of depression, thereby limiting its course and preventing its recurrence.

This growing body of literature around population-based strategies to improve the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of depression, and the increasing burden of this debilitating chronic condition, the Task Force on Community Preventive Services has endorsed this topic for review. A review of one aspect of treatment??collaborative? or ?shared care?, designed to improve the diagnosis and treatment of depression in the primary care setting, particularly within integrated systems of care?has been completed, a recommendation has been issued by the Task Force, and a full report on this work will be issued by year-end. The Task Force recommends collaborative care for treatment of adults 18 years of age or older, with major depression, on the basis of strong evidence of effectiveness in improving short-term treatment outcomes.

The earlier you can get adequate treatment for your depression, the better chances you have of a positive outcome. About 15% of the population do not respond to traditional antidepressants. The FDA has just approved the first ever long-term treatment option for chronic or recurrent depression: vagus nerve stimulation. This is a ninety minute outpatient procedure, which is unrelted to ECT or shock treatments. The therapy completely changed my life. You can learn more about this remarkable treatment at http://wwww.VagusNerveStimulator.com

Charles Donovan was a patient in the FDA investigational trial of vagus nerve stimulation as a treatment for chronic or recurrent treatment-resistant depression. He was implanted with the vagus nerve stimulator in April of 2001. He chronicles his journey from the grips of depression thanks to vagus nerve stimulation therapy in his book:

Out of the Black Hole: The Patient's Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression

The book was exhibited at the 2005 American Psychiatric Association's Annual Meeting, in Atlanta, GA. This was the largest gathering of psychiatrists in the world( 25,000 attendees). The book is available at Amazon.com and 24/7 at 1-888-VAGUS-88

on 7:52 PM

Conventional treatment for correcting eye vision problems would be either Contact Lenses, Eyeglasses or in the case of conditions such as Glaucoma, medication but what about Laser Therapy?

Laser Therapy for eye disorders has been around for about 30 years and can, if necessary be used to treat a variety of vision and eye problems.

Many people feel that Laser Therapy should be available as a first line therapy for conditions such as glaucoma however Laser Therapy is generally reserved for those not responding to or having difficulties with their medication.

Laser Therapy usually takes around 10 mins but is generally painless. As your vision may be blurry for a few hours you are unable to drive after laser therapy. A pressure check is done around 1 hour after receiving laser therapy and steroids may be given to reduce any inflammation.

Reshaping your cornea with Laser Therapy can help to correct short sightedness. The laser is focused on the center of the cornea and microscopic amounts are removed which has the effect of flattening the cornea and allowing light to correctly focus on the retina.

Another form of Laser Therapy called Photorefractive Keratectomy can be used to correct hyperopia of farsightedness. This Laser Therapy can also be used to correct astigmatism at the same time. The procedure may take around 20-30 minutes to complete.

The H-PRK laser therapy may not suit people with severe far sightedness as the result may be harder to predict and there is a greater likely hood of complications.

So will Laser Therapy take the place of Contact Lenses and Eyeglasses in the future? It might do but for now 60% of us use corrective lenses to help with our eyesight and when it come to changing your eye color, you cant beat Contact Lenses!

You can find out more about eye conditions, the methods of vision correction and the best deals available for contact lenses and sunglasses at http://www.ur-contact-lenses.com

on 2:44 PM

The total cost of Mesotherapy depends on several factors and varies widely from one clinic to the other. Costs include consultation fees and treatment fees, which in turn depend on the level of expertise of the person providing treatment, the size and number of body areas to be treated, and the total number of treatment sessions needed.

The higher the certification of the individual providing treatment, the higher the cost usually is. A board-certified plastic surgeon will be more expensive than a nurse practitioner. Clinics with higher overhead will also be more expensive. It is best to consider at least a couple of options to determine the level of expertise and price range one is comfortable with.

In general, an initial consultation for a Mesotherapy treatment may cost between $50 and $500. During this consultation, a treatment plan is chalked out depending on whether the aim is to reduce cellulite, localized fat, or both.

Once the treatment plan is decided, a patient may undergo between four and ten treatment sessions. The total number of sessions depends on the type of treatment (cellulite reduction versus localized fat reduction), and area of the body that is being treated. For each area of the body being treated, such as the thighs or buttocks, one session may cost between $200 and $600. If the body area to be treated is the neck or eye, or face region, greater skill may be required and the cost accordingly goes up.

Because there are so many variables involved in the final bill for Mesotherapy, it is best to find out what costs are involved upfront. Mesotherapy is not covered by health insurance, and treatment costs can run into the thousands of dollars. Costs per injection session may not include drug and equipment costs. Certain treatments may also require follow-up after the initial injection treatment is completed, adding to the total cost.

Mesotherapy provides detailed information about mesotherapy, cost of mesotherapy, mesotherapy before and after, mesotherapy injections and more. Mesotherapy is the sister site of Mesothelioma Doctors Info.

on 1:07 PM

Astigmatism is a common problem that affects the eyes. It means that the eye is slightly out of shape. Instead of being a round shape as most eyes are, it is actually more of an oval shape. There is not usually just one misalignment in most cases of astigmatism but two because there are generally two curves in the cornea, a steeper curve and a shallower curve. This means that the light does not focus on just one point in the eye. It can mean that the vision of the sufferer is not as clear as it should be and there are several effects that this can have.

Shortsightedness is quite common with those that suffer from astigmatism. This can also happen when the light in the eye does not get focused properly on the retina. This is because of the oval shape that is caused by the astigmatism not letting the light travel in a straight line to the back of the retina. The effect of this is that the sufferer has good vision when things are close to them but has problems when they are far away. When seeing things that are further away they are not in focus and appear blurred.

Another condition that can be caused by astigmatism is long-sightedness; this is the opposite of shortsightedness. This is caused by the same effect as shortsightedness when the light is not refracted directly on to the retina but actually goes behind it. This means that the sufferer has trouble seeing things that are close up but can see things more clearly when they are further away. Both of these conditions can result in blurred vision and can be a problem with astigmatism.

There are several ways that the doctor can diagnose astigmatism. It is most likely to be noticed when testing the eyes. The optometrist can also use corneal topography and refraction to test for this. Using glasses or lenses usually can correct astigmatism but there are also surgical solutions that can give a more permanent solution. Laser eye therapy can also be used to correct astigmatism. There is also a surgical solution that corrects the astigmatism, which is done by making a small incision to the front of the eye. The best person to advise you about your astigmatism is your optometrist. There is not always a single solution to every astigmatism and they can give you the best options for yours.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Vision-Doctor.com He provides more eye surgery solutions, LASIK information and details on astigmatism and laser eye surgery that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

on 12:16 PM

Mesothelioma is a disease where the cells of the mesothelium become abnormal. It is called the cancer of the mesothelium. They can damage the tissues and other organs of the body. They can also affect the other cells and spread throughout the body.

It was hard to find any information before the Internet era. Now, with the invention of Internet, information on anything can be achieved. Around 2000 cases of Mesothelioma are diagnosed in US alone. In the past 20 years mesothelioma cases have gone high. Mesothilioma mainly affects men than women and it gets riskier as people age.

How do people get Mesothelioma?

Asbestos is the main factor for this disease. People in factories who work under the asbestos roof or people who manufacture asbestos sheets or asbestos related products tend to get this disease. Around 70-80 percent cases for mesothelioma are because of asbestos. However, there are some cases where the person with mesotheliioma has no exposure to asbestos. The tiny particles or dust of the asbestos float in the air, and when they are inhaled, it leads to health problems. Exposure to asbestos also increases the possibility of lung cancer, and other cancers. Smoking as well as exposure to asbestos could lead to cancer in the air passageways.

Who can develop mesotheliioma?

The risk associated with asbestos was unknown for a long time. Millions of people have been exposed to this dust since 1800?s. But, nowadays, people wear protective equipment while working with asbestos related products. There have been cases where people who have worked with asbestos for many years as well as people who have worked for a very small time too have got this disease. Not all workers get this disease. Even, family members have the history of getting mesothelioma or other asbestos related disease. This could be because of the dust brought by the worker from his hair or clothes, so it is necessary that the worker at the factory take bath before leaving the workplace.

Symptoms: Mesothelioma usually occurs after 30 years of exposure to asbestos dust. Shortness of breath and chest pain is the first indication. Mesothelioma is treated by surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy etc.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit http://www.askaquery.com/Answers/qn615.html

on 10:23 AM

I can just imagine lying on my stomach, listening to soothing music, and falling into a deep relaxation. As a college student, I often find myself stressed out over all the assignments I have to complete in school. Massage is supposed to relieve anxiety and so I decided to experience it for myself. It seems like there are so many different kinds of massage that at first I felt lost in a world of leisure. A Swedish massage uses long fluid strokes of different pressures over the body, while toning the muscles and improving flexibility and circulation. I thought this sounded very soothing. Sports massages are specialized Swedish massages that help athletes keep their muscles and tissue in good condition and relax from stressful training. A medical massage is a Swedish massage geared toward a certain trouble area. Thai massage incorporates yoga with a light massage by stretching with gentle pressures. Reflexology is an ancient Chinese technique that uses pressure points in the hands, feet, and ears to restore energy flow in the body. It is supposed to flush the body of toxins, relax the muscles and stimulate internal organs. I know after a long day of classes I could use some extra energy and stimulation. I knew my body and mind could use a break from school, but I needed to do some research so that I knew what to expect when I went to the massage studio.

To prepare, I did some research on what to expect from a massage. As I started to search, I was overwhelmed by an array of rules and regulations. It is the job of the therapist to ask the client some standard questions to help the therapist understand the body of his or her client. They will ask why you are getting a massage and for some background information about your physical condition, medical history, lifestyle, stress levels, and if you are already experiencing pain in a specific area. They should discuss with you health goals that massage can help you achieve. It is also appropriate to ask about the certification of the therapist and the training they went through. I was then prepared to ask many questions during each massage.

One type of massage that I decided to experience was just a general relaxation massage. I went to The Pilates Wellness Center where my instructor, Tatiana, suggested that I should get a massage in their new studio to relax my muscles after a strenuous workout. Tatiana works me hard and afterwards I could often use some pampering. My therapist?s name was Lorraine and she was very willing to answer all of my questions and help me with my project. After my workout, Lorraine led me to the massage room. To start, she asked me the standard questions that I was prepared for from my research. She told me about her certification through the Florida State Massage Therapy Association as well as the training she is continuously going through. Therapists are required to take classes that add up to 24 credits every two years. They are under a strict regimen to continuously be up to the standards. Lorraine explained that I should take off my clothes and get onto the table, under the blanket. To start, I was instructed to lie on my back and put a pillow underneath my knees. As part of Florida State Massage Regulations, she left the room while I undressed and got situated at the table. This situation was surprisingly not awkward. The therapist was very professional and made me feel comfortable with her. When she came back in I was ready and excited to have my first real massage. First she massaged my head, face, and ears because she was trying to get me to relax a little. The therapist wanted me to get used to her hands and style before she massaged my body. She told me the most beneficial massages for a client are when he or she does nothing and the therapist does everything. As she mentioned this, I realized how important the setting is for a successful massage. I was able to relax with the dimmed lights, comfortable table, and soothing music.

Next, Lorraine started on my shoulders, arms and upper body. She used a cream rather than an oil to keep it less messy. The cream was called BioTone that contained extracts of ivy, which relives soreness in the muscles. On my arms and legs, Lorraine used a technique she called ?stripping,? which is a firm stroking in one direction. This technique is beneficial because muscles are made up of many fibers and when the fibers are aligned it is easier for blood to flow through and oxygen to get to the muscles. This prevents cramping and tightness. My right hip was stiff so it needed some extra attention and forceful kneading. Lorraine explained that joints are susceptible to tightness because of the attachment of muscles to bone.

After my therapist had gone over my body once, she asked me to turn over. At first, she concentrated on my hamstrings because I have a lot of nerve tension that makes the backs of my legs very taut. It was slightly painful since the nerves are involved as well as the muscles; however, afterwards I felt much better. Lorraine then moved up to my gluteus muscles. She told me that butt muscles are often ignored in a massage but they are one of the most important and strained muscles we use. She left the blanket over me because she explained that one of the many regulations of being a therapist is that the client must be covered at all times with the exception of the part being worked on. It was a little weird having a butt massage but I definitely learned to enjoy it quickly. I never realized how important my gluteus muscles are because I use them for everything I do.

To end, my therapist worked on my back. She used a different technique called Swe-Thai, which incorporates Thai and Swedish massages. As I mentioned before, Thai massage uses different pressures while stretching and Swedish massage uses long strokes to elongate the muscles. She went up and down along my spine to alleviate tension. After 55 minutes, my massage was finished. I couldn?t get up from the table right away because I felt sleepy and extremely relaxed. Now twelve hours later after my tough workout with Tatiana, my muscles don?t feel as stressed out as usual. My body feels like paying $75 for a relaxation massage, which seemed standard in my research, was well worth it.

The second type of massage that I experienced was a sports/medical massage. I went to the same massage studio as I did for the first one. For some reason, over the past week my lower back had been hurting. When I went in and told Lorraine this I expected her to work mostly on my back. However, she explained to me that I was probably in pain because my hamstrings were tight. At first, it didn?t make sense to me that my back hurt because of tense hamstrings. My therapist explained that it is common for people with tight hamstrings to have sore gluteus and lower back muscles. I was nervous for her to tough my achy muscles but my therapist quickly put me into the relaxation mode by ?stripping? my whole body again and using some reflexology methods on my feet. Lorraine explained that reflexology is really a simple massage method. The feet, ears, and hands are all maps of the rest of the body. Certain points correlate to different parts of the body. Once the feet relax, the rest of the body follows. As I turned over, I knew the pain was coming, ouch!

The first technique my therapist used was a Thai massage. She stretched my legs out to allow her to ?work? my muscles. Then Lorraine went to work with a tough Swedish massage. She kneaded and ?stripped? my hamstrings and calves. I could tell that she was working hard and putting her whole body weight into the massage. There was definitely A LOT of pain while she was massaging me but I trusted her as a professional. She kneaded my muscles with a lot more force than in my first experience. After she finished my hamstrings, my therapist continued up to my gluteus muscles and then my lower back. She concentrated on this area until the massage was over. This is what made it more of a sports massage because Lorraine focused on a certain area to relieve pain rather than just relaxing all the muscles. Although my muscles felt tired and sore, my back felt much looser and under less pressure. This massage was very different but ultimately achieved the same goal, to relax my tense muscles.

For my last massage, I decided to go to a different place and have a whole new experience. I went to the Sanda Gane Day Spa for an aromatherapy massage at a price of $75. When I first got there, I was invited into a back room where massage patients are allowed to relax and talk to the therapist. My new therapist?s name was Cynthia. She sat down with me and we went through the standard question and answer session. She introduced me to three varieties of scents that I could choose from: citrus, floral, or spicy. Floral scents are used for soothing the senses, spicy for awakening them, and citrus somewhere in between. I thought citrus would be invigorating after a long and tiring day. Cynthia then left me in the sitting room while she prepared my massage therapy room. The waiting room was really dark and had a gorgeous fountain that was bright orange with steam rising from it. Beautiful bouquets of flowers were all around the room, which made me feel welcome in a new place. When my room was ready, Cynthia invited me back into the treatment room. She left me alone to prepare for the table while she got me a glass of water to keep me hydrated.

To my surprise, when I got on the table, the mattress was heated. It was very relaxing upon lying down because I didn?t get that chill when you first crawl under cold sheets. Cynthia came back in and I was eager to begin. I could instantly smell the citrus oils she was using. Since I was having an aromatherapy massage, my therapist used only Swedish massage techniques. For 50 minutes, I lay there while she used long, fluid strokes all over my body. I was so relaxed, I felt like I was going to fall into a deep sleep but the scented oils kept my senses awake. When she told me I was done, I was disappointed it was over. I felt utterly relaxed and completely loosened up. I don?t think I have ever felt better in my life.

I feel like all of my massages accomplished the goal I had set out for in the beginning. Both of my therapists were very professional and highly qualified. The sports massage had the longest lasting effect because the problem areas are targeted and worked out more intensely. I felt great after my first relaxation massage but a lot of the concentration was on learning about the techniques and Lorraine demonstrating them for me. The aromatherapy massage was less involved and more mechanical. I didn?t learn as much from the Day Spa as I did from the Wellness Center. If you are feeling pain in any particular area, I urge you to get a sports massage and share with the therapist any information you can give them. They will help you relieve the soreness in your muscles. The American Massage Therapy Association has a list of certified therapists on their website (www.amtamassage.org) to help you locate one in your area. If you are a typical student, who is just really stressed and cannot find a way to unwind, you should try any kind of relaxation massage. My whole body was suffering from the stressful effects of school. The massage helped my mind and body to be calm. Massage is an incredible experience and I recommend it to anyone who feels like the pressure of school has become overbearing and a threat to your wellness.

I am currently an undergraduate student at the University of Richmond. I am hoping to major in Mathematical Economics but in the meantime I am taking an array of courses, including this Expository Writing class.

on 4:40 PM

New scientific studies are demonstrating that the chemical byproduct of thinking is found in every cell of the body and that the thoughts you think have a powerful effect on your immune system. This is good news for those who already use the power of the mind and positive thinking to help you heal your body. Now they have a scientific base for their work as well as empirical evidence.

Biofeedback, for example, is a treatment technique in which people are trained to improve their health by using signals from their own bodies. It is used by physical therapists to help stroke victims regain movement in paralyzed muscles and by psychologists to help tense and anxious clients learn to relax. No one questions its use anymore, because people have demonstrated clearly that by using biofeedback, they can lower their heart rate, lower their blood pressure, stop headaches and other pain and much more. They are using their mind and emotions to control physical symptoms.(This actually is a good definition of hypnosis).

Some researchers say that we are walking pharmacies, able to manufacture those chemicals our bodies need to prevent illness and/or restore us to wholeness. The scientists have further discovered that the chemicals produced by thinking are found in every cell in the human body, not just in brain cells. So if we can produce our own healing chemicals with the mind at a cellular level, what is the logical conclusion? Can we, using our thoughts, manufacture the chemicals that prevent illness or bring about a cure and distribute them to the cells?

From these and other findings and questions, a new focus of study has emerged, that of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). PNI is the study of the interactions between the mind, the nervous system and the immune system, and the relationship between behavior and health. In other words, science is discovering what the mystics have known all along. ? that thoughts create our reality. This is spoken of throughout sacred writings: ?As a man thinketh, so is he.?

Ponder it. Is there anything in existence that did not start as a thought before it became a reality? Depak Chopra says that if you want to know what you?ll be like in ten years, examine your thoughts today. You are creating your own reality, including the reality of health or illness by your thinking.

You can begin today to train your mind to think positive thoughts that result in an enhanced state of well being, which in turn improves the functioning of your immune system. Begin to think about those things for which you are grateful or that bring you joy instead of how angry you are at Aunt Mabel or worrying that you will catch the bird flu (or any of the dozens of ailments the news media warns you about). As you begin to be in control of your own thoughts and change them from negative to positive, you will begin to notice any number of lovely changes -- emotionally, physically, and mentally. And the good news is that thought is one thing that does not have to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

If you need medical care, by all means see your primary care physician. In the meantime, begin to change your thinking from negative to positive. If you need help changing your thinking, see a specialist in positive thought therapy ? a hypnotherapist.

Irene Conlan has a masters degree in nursing, a doctoral degree in metaphysics, is a certified hypnotherapist and an ordained minister. She practices holistic hypnotherapy and officiates at weddings in Scottsdale, Az and the Phoenix metropolitan area. She can be found at: http://www.thepowerzone.com (Hypnotherapy Downloads) http://www.yourscottsdalewedding.com (Scottsdale Weddings) http://your-scottsdale-wedding.com (Wedding Blog)

on 10:12 PM

?You are only as old as you feel,? goes the popular saying. Have you ever encountered someone who is approaching or just passed a ?milestone,? birthday (40, 50, 60, etc.) and it seems like overnight he or she suddenly appears much older? The reach of the mind in regards to aging might be much more powerful than you suspect.

It is widely known that in less technologically advanced societies that a voodoo priest or medicine man can place a curse on someone which results in illness and sometimes death. The belief system is the mechanism by which this works. If the medicine man is confident in his ability to conjure up the spell and the victim is equally convinced, the victim?s mind makes the unconscious adjustments to alter the body in a negative way. We might find belief in such apparent superstitions to be laughable, but what belief systems do most of us buy into when it comes to getting older?

Basically, most of us expect to become stiff, forgetful and cranky with the passage of years. This message is reinforced by the myriad of pharmaceutical ads we are assaulted with on a daily basis which insist that functional life is not possible in our later life without their costly products. Yet is this true?

Much of what people fear about aging can be averted to a large degree by behaviors which we control. Feeling stiff? Is it age or the fact you don?t exercise on a regular basis? Feeling forgetful? Could it be that spending all of your spare time watching TV is not providing your brain with enough stimulation to remain vibrant and active? And a good mood is the result of taking care of your stress and making the effort to connect with others in a meaningful way.

This is not to say that the aging process is not a reality. Biologists tell us that our cells appear to be programmed with a certain life expectancy. It is also true that youth kind of gives us a pass, at least for awhile, on the consequences of unhealthy behaviors. Nonetheless, your choices as to attitude and behavior will largely determine if your golden years are a pleasant experience or not.

Hypnosis is an effective tool for changing attitude and behavior. If you want to look and feel younger you must first get past the cultural brainwashing that paints a picture of an inevitable decline over which you have no control. There are too many examples of individuals who shined in their later years like Michelangelo who did his best painting in his senior years to accept that idea. Set a positive intention to actually do something constructive along the lines of exercise, diet and proper hydration.

You may also wish to consider learning and practicing some type of mind/body practice like self-hypnosis or meditation to help you control stress. It is well-documented that continual stress creates negative changes in our physiology that can accelerate the aging process. Being able to enter a relaxed state of mind and body on a regular basis can actually reduce the wear and tear on your cells.

The various forms of meditation can enable you to enter this type of restorative state at will. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis have the added advantage in that you can also reprogram the behaviors and attitudes needed for a more youthful state while you relax.

James Malone, DCH, is a Certified Hypnotist from Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey who enjoys helping people overcome their fears and frustrations. He invites you to visit the New Jersey Hypnotist Web Site to learn more.

on 2:11 PM

If you?ve already tried a variety of the stop smoking aids, and you?ve tried quitting smoking without any help at all, you may think it?s just not meant to be. If you haven?t tried quit smoking hypnosis, you should take a minute to consider the possibility.

When the word ?hypnosis? is mentioned, many people immediately conjure up images of the comedic hypnotists that make unsuspecting participants quack like a duck or perform some other ridiculous action. Hypnosis stop smoking programs are serious help for those with a serious desire to quit smoking cigarettes.

There?s no doubt that suggestion is a powerful tool. If you doubt that, just think about the amount of money spent on advertising. While it?s not hypnosis in the purest sense of the word, there?s no doubt that advertising works because we are open to suggestion. This is the first major step before turning to hypnosis as quit smoking help ? you have to believe that hypnosis will work and open yourself to the power of suggestion.

Smoking cessation is undeniably difficult. One of the most common problems faced by those who seek out hypnotherapy seems to be the expectation that stop smoking help will be easy with hypnotherapy. The truth is that most who undergo hypnosis still report an occasional craving for a cigarette. There?s no doubt that stopping smoking isn?t easy, and there seems to be no stop smoking methods that work without the will power of the smoker. If you want to know how to stop smoking without ever facing any cravings for another cigarette, you?re looking for a magic cure ? unfortunately, it doesn?t seem to exist.

That?s not to say that hypnosis doesn?t work - quite the contrary. And there are those people who report that they never again have the desire to pick up another cigarette. Just don?t enter into a hypnosis program expecting perfect results. This, like all quit smoking products and programs, should be counted as one part of the overall plan.

Quit smoking support is another important factor, and you may very well get the needed support as part of the hypnosis program. There could be a group that meets periodically, or the hypnotist may be available for additional consultations at no cost over a specific period of time.

Cost is another factor that keeps some people from seeking out hypnosis. You?ll find that this isn?t a free stop smoking program, but it may not be as expensive as you think. You?ll find plenty of advertisements in most areas for around $100.

Despite what some people think, stop smoking hypnosis isn?t a magic cure. Regardless of what stop smoking programs you try, you?re likely going to experience some withdrawal and there will be times that cigarette smoking is appealing. But if you?re ready for help to stop smoking, hypnosis may very well be just the answer you?ve been searching for.

There?s no doubt that smoking is detrimental to your health, and that there are incredible benefits to quitting. Isn?t it time you considered hypnotherapy?

Steve Hill discusses the quit smoking process. Learn the facts before you decide which quit smoking product to buy. Read more no-hype stop smoking articles and information at: quit smoking.

on 7:03 PM

The need to detoxify the body has become increasingly more important over the past 50 years. We live in an environment that is overflowing with dangerous chemicals. They have permeated our soils, our water supply, and the air that we breath. Even the best efforts to eliminate toxins from your household and work place have become more difficult, since there are over 75,000 synthetic chemicals registered with the EPA- most of which you aren?t even aware of.

Every year, more than 24 billion pounds of toxic substances are released into the environment, only a fraction of which have been tested for safety or how they interact with each other. At the same time, chronic degenerative diseases are on the rise. The CDC estimates that 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. 70 million American?s have been diagnosed with some form of cardiovascular disease and 16 million adults are suffering from asthma.

The link between the degenerative disease epidemic and the volume of toxic substances in our environment can no longer be ignored. In 2003, the Mt. Sanai School of Medicine tested 211 volunteers for possible contaminants and found an average of 91 pollutants in the volunteer?s blood samples. Of those 91 pollutants, an average of 53 were known carcinogens including PCBs, dioxins, pthalates, insecticides, pesticides and heavy metals. The group of volunteers included individuals who lived in a rural coastal community and had eaten organic foods for over 30 years.

So what can you do? Fortunately, there are a variety of detoxification methods available. I employ the following detoxification methods:

Far Infrared Sauna

Far Infrared (FIR) Saunas were invented in Japan and used almost exclusively there until the early 1980?s when Western practitioners discovered their success at detoxifying the body. FIR sauna?s use radiant energy instead of convectional heat and operate at a lower temperature than conventional saunas, ranging from 105 to 130 degrees.

FIR energy penetrates the body as much as 4.5 cm below the surface of the skin, reaching all layers of the dermis and subcutaneous fat. The energy is then converted to heat, causing the body to sweat, which removes toxic waste, including alcohol, nicotine, sodium, cholesterol, and certain heavy metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium and aluminum.

In addition to the detox benefits, FIR heats up the body, causing your heart to beat harder and faster resulting in a safe cardiovascular workout. The heat also causes the peripheral blood vessels to dilate, stimulating circulation that delivers oxygen-rich blood to the cells and removes the waste. FIR has also been found useful as a treatment for pain, since it relaxes the muscles, reducing stress and tension.

Chelation Therapy

The accumulation of heavy metals in the body can lead to serious health concerns. Metals such as lead and aluminum can lead to neurological disorders, loss of balance, memory loss, lack of coordination and depression as well as attention deficit disorder and lowered IQ in children. Researchers are currently looking into the link between heavy metal toxicity and Alzheimer?s disease.

Chelation is the administration of a substance that binds with heavy metals in the body, forming salts that can then be excreted from the body. The chelator can be administered orally, intravaneously, rectally or topically on the skin. There are several different chelator substances, each of them tailored to bind to specific metals. Before deciding that chelation is for you, it is best to have your doctor test you for heavy metals. Once you?ve determined which heavy metals are present in your bloodstream, you can then determine the chelatation process that would be appropriate for your needs.

Body Cleanse

Body Cleanse, also known as Foot Detox, is a relaxing way to rid your body of toxins. It works by placing your feet in a basin of salted water containing an ion generator. A power supply attached to the ion generator delivers a small current (1.6 to 1.8 amps) creating positively and negatively charged ions in the water. The charged atoms act as a magnetic field, attracting oppositely charged particles in the body, drawing them out through osmosis. The charged particles target toxic substances within the body, attaching to them and then releasing them safely and painlessly into the water.

Lymphatic Therapy

The lymphatic system is a vital circulatory system and the body?s primary immune defense and waste eliminator. It is critical to managing the elimination of toxins from the body. The lymphatic system is comprised of over 600 ?collection? sites called lymph nodes and has a massive network of collecting vessels. The primary responsibilities of the lymphatic system are to carry disease-fighting material to cells attacked by germs, transport the dead germs away and supply the heart with protein-rich plasma. When this system is blocked, the body becomes defenseless against attacks by viruses, fungi, bacterium and other toxins.

Because the lymphatic system is not driven by the heart, there is no engine pumping fluid through the vessels. The lymphatic system relies on pressure generated by activity to move the toxin-laden lymph fluid out of the cells. Without sufficient movement, the waste can build up in the lymph system and health problems can ensue. I have found two methods extremely beneficial to detoxify the lymphatic system: Rebounder Therapy and Light Beam Generator.

Rebounder Therapy works by getting the body in motion to encourage the lymphatic system. Jumping up and down on a mini-trampoline is one of the best ways to compress the lymph vessels and move lymph fluid throughout the system, without causing high-impact stress on the musculo-skeletal system.

A Light Beam Generator (LBG) is a device that can assist the body in detoxifying the lymphatic system. LBG is a non-invasive technology that uses extremely low current and negatively charged light photons providing compatible frequencies to the blocked areas in the lymphatic system, resulting in the cells correcting their out-of-balance condition. Rapid movement of waste material within the cells occurs, greatly increasing the delivery of waste material to the organs responsible for body waste disposal.

Healthful Supplementation

Due to both the increased use of synthetic fertilizers and the over cultivation of farmland, the grains, fruits and vegetables grown on most farms today lack the important nutrients that the body requires. More and more, the soil is being depleted of vitamins, minerals and necessary nutrients due to man-made changes (i.e., construction of dams and absence of floods). Today, the food we eat probably has only 25% of the nutritional value that it had just 100 years ago. Because of this, we are sorely lacking in the vital nutrients that assist our bodies in detoxification.

Without the proper nutrients, the body cannot function at an optimal level and is powerless to fight off dietary carcinogens and repair damaged DNA. I recommend that all of my patients take a daily food-based multivitamin. It is both important and necessary to replenish the body with magnesium and potassium for heart health, selenium to reduce skin disease, iron to combat fatigue, colds and anemia, and folic acid to ward off cancer. In addition, I advise that the multivitamin be made from organic greens such as grasses, vegetables, sprouted grains, herbs to provide the maximum benefits.

In the 21st century we are faced with a degenerative disease epidemic. Each day, new chemicals are invented with the intention of making life easier, but these same chemicals are creating health problems that no one anticipated. It is imperative that you protect yourself from these dangerous toxins by detoxifying your body regularly. Don?t wait for a health ailment to arise to take action. Being proactive today can prevent problems down the line. Ask your doctor to evaluate your toxic body burden and discuss with him or her the right detoxification method for you. Ridding your body of the harmful substances will make you feel like a new person and protect your health from succumbing to degenerative disease.

Dr. Connealy, M.D., M.P.H. began private practice in 1986. In 1992 she founded her medical practice in California. Her practice is firmly based in the belief that strictly treating health problems with medications does not find the root cause of the illness. Dr. Connealy writes monthly columns for Coast and Health magazines, and is a weekly cohost on Frank Jordan?s ?Healthy, Wealthy and Wise? radio show. She routinely lectures and educates the public on health issues. Please visit http://www.perfectlyhealthy.net for product and more information

on 12:44 PM

One of the signs of aging is chronic pain and stiffness in various areas of the body and restrictions of various movements. By the time people reach their thirties, many have these restrictions. According to popular opinion and medical science, that is to be expected. Popular opinion and medical science don't say why it is to be expected, except perhaps to blame (without an illuminating explanation) our genes. While bodily changes are linked to our genetic destiny, there is another factor, one which is within our power to control.

This article provides an illuminating explanation as to why pain and restriction often appear with aging -- and what you can do about it. The illuminating explanation has to do with a common, seemingly innocuous condition underlying the movement restrictions of aging in nearly all persons -- the accumulation of muscular tension. By preventing tension from accumulating now, one can prevent the damage that leads to poor aging later; by eliminating accumulated tension, one can reclaim much of the physical grace and comfort one had years earlier.


How can you tell an aged person at a distance? It's by their posture, isn't it? Posture is a habitual way we have of moving and positioning ourselves, using the muscular system.

Much has been said in recent years about osteoporosis -- loss of bone density -- being responsible for changes of posture. While that is true in some cases and to varying degrees, muscular tensions have much more to do with the postural changes of aging than does osteoporosis. The posture of aging reveals muscular tensions that a person has accumulated and may have carried for years.

Along with postural changes, the mythology of aging has two key features: pains and stiffness.

Is it possible that chronic muscular tension alone can create the pains and stiffness of aging?


When muscles get tight and stay tight, they cease to be elastic; they restrict movement. That sense of restriction is what people call stiffness, and it exists quite apart from the effects of arthritis.

Those same muscles, held tight for days, weeks, and years, get tired, sore, and prone to spasm. That feeling of muscle fatigue and soreness produces much of the chronic pain of aging. The effects of muscle tightness on joints is another factor that adds to pain and stiffness; tight muscles pull bones together at joints, creating pressure.

Most people are sore to the touch in one place or another -- not because they are old, but because they are tight, and their muscles, overworked.

The problem exists, however, not in the muscles themselves, but in the brain that controls them -- why is why massage and stretching provide only temporary relief. Muscles obey the brain, and if the brain says, contract, muscles contract -- massage and stretching notwithstanding.

There is nothing wrong with people's brains, however, and they don't need medication or a brain-scan; they need to learn -- or relearn -- to relax. They need to break their tension habits, formed over a lifetime.

People go through their lifetime of experiences doing either one of two things: tensing or relaxing. Think back to an earlier time in your life when you were in a new and possibly stressful situation -- one that you knew might last a while or that lasted longer than you expected. Notice how you feel when thinking about it. Are you tense, or relaxed? Can you tell? How were you, then? Did you manage your tension or did you turn your attention to more important things? Did you get used to your tension? If so, you probably lost some of your ability to relax. Over a lifetime, did you get more flexible, or more stiff? That's how you know, and that's one way a person's brain gets conditioned to maintain a level of tension.

Another way is through a physical injury. When we get hurt, we guard the injured part by pulling it in and out of action. The event of injury may make such an impression upon us that we may (and many people do) continue to guard the injured area in memory of the injury for decades. Thus forms a tension habit that leads to accumulated tension, pain, stiffness, and sometimes joint damage -- arthritis. Even without arthritis, accumulated tension adds drag to movement and makes it more difficult; people feel tired all the time, old.

Even physical fitness programs can lead to chronic tension. Many kinds of fitness training emphasize strength and firming (tightening) up. Rarely do they teach a person to relax. More often, they teach a person to stretch and warm up, which is not the same as teaching relaxation. So many fitness programs (or at least the way some people do them) cause them to form tension habits.

So, it's not so much our years as the tension habits we form over those years that determine whether we develop the pains and stiffness of aging and lose that part of our youthfulness.


The pain and stiffness of aging start out as temporary tensions that become learned habits. Those habits can be unlearned.

The odd thing is that our tension often seems to be happening to us -- rather than something we are doing. Much of it exists below our threshold of consciousness. We're used to it; we don't notice it. So, the first step to breaking a tension habit is to become conscious of it. Only then can we stop tightening ourselves up.

Somatic exercises effectively break the tension habit. The word, somatic, means self-sensing and self- controlling -- the way you sense and control chewing. There are a number of systems of somatic exercises that accomplish this goal.

Somatic exercises improve posture, make you feel younger, improve flexibility, and ease or eliminate chronic pains. They pain spontaneous movement without pain possible, again.

The clinical form of Hanna Somatic Education clears up especially painful or persistent problems.

Either way, you gain freedom of spontaneous movement without pain, better coordination, more complete relaxation, and more strength guided and helped by the coaching of a somatic educator.

Improvements are stable and require minimal upkeep -- a few minutes of somatic exercises as part of ones daily regimen. Once a problem has been resolved, those exercises can keep you comfortable and supple for a lifetime.

So, if you thought pain and stiffness are the inevitable result of aging, consider the possibility that you can forestall or reverse those effects and decide whether it's worth the effort to you to do it.

Lawrence Gold, bio page
Lawrence Gold served as Associate Instructor with the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training and for two years he was on staff at the Wellness and Rehabilitation Center of Watsonville Community Hospital, California.

He has written and published advanced handbooks of practice for professional practitioners and movement therapists, and self-care instructional programs for back pain and general health, for the general public.

Illustrated instructions for somatic exercises are found in The Magic of Somatics (For a free preview, send email to (POINT AND CLICK:) free preview

See also: Somatics : Reawakening the Mind's Control of Movement, Flexibility, and Health (Perseus Books); available in several languages.

on 8:53 PM

EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques can help many issues and problems. In fact there seems to be no limit to what EFT can assist with. You might accept that it can help psychological conditions but how can it help physical conditions? Well let me explain further.

Certainly if you consider any physical condition, no matter what it might be, there will always be a psychological element to it. For example take the painful and debilitating ailment known as arthritis. Most people would agree that it is both painful and restrictive.

Now because there is an element of expectancy about this condition, the expectancy being pain, a person will natural tense up because they expect to get a reminder of that pain. In other words they have already created a condition in their body of readiness for pain. If they tense the muscles and tendons of the body through this expectancy of pain then any normal pain or discomfort created by the arthritic condition of joints in the body is likely to seem greater than if the same surrounding muscles and tendons were relaxed.

Where EFT can help is in reducing the expectancy of pain and helping the person to relax psychologically which naturally leads to a physical relaxation too. From this any pain is likely to be more localised and smaller.

However that is just one possible explanation of how EFT might help the condition of arthritis. Many therapists believe that for every physical condition there most often is a psychological cause.

How often have we heard of someone having a psychological shock to their system such as going through a painful divorce, bereavement, loss of a job and or other stressful life event and then later on, maybe 6 months or a year later, they seem to develop a physical illness. This might eczema, tinnitus, IBS ME, FM or many other issues.

An enlightened therapist would view the psychological shock of some upsetting and stressful life event as being the cause of the physical issue. They would then use EFT to work on the psychological cause and in doing so the client would then be dealing with the cause and not the physical symptoms. This in turn may lead to a reduction or even total resolution of the physical symptoms.

EFT seems to be particularly effective because it is so easy to learn. It is also a very brief process and the positive effectives may be noticed almost immediately.

The great news about EFT is that because if its inbuilt flexibility it can be used for virtually any issue or problem.

Steven Harold
EFT Therapists

on 5:45 PM

Aromatherapy as used today originated in Europe and has been practiced there since the early 1900s. Practitioners of aromatherapy believe that every oil has a vibration or note, which can be used for different therapeutic applications.

Aromatherapy can be used to relax and soothe the mind and body, to energize or even to arouse. Aromatherapy derived from the use of essential oils to solicit specific emotions. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for their health supporting properties. The powerful aromas of essential oils affect your moods and feelings through your sense of smell.

By selecting a particular scent, you can encourage a state of relaxation, romance, healing or comfort. Essential oils can be used in Aromatherapy, to scent potpourri, lotions, cosmetics, perfumes, food flavorings and medicinally.

Additionally oils can be used in creating sachets, potpourri, reviving potpourri, and for light bulb scenting. Essential oils can also be used via the bath, diffusion, massage, or compress. Each individual person, fabric, or material may react differently to a particular suggested use.

Essential oils can be mixed in a cream essential oil combinations are applied directly to the skin for beauty care or treatment of sores or irritations. By using different essential oils, you can control the nature of those benefits.

A unique property of plants is that many contain natural fragrance or perfume-like scents known as essential oils. Essential oils come from plants while fragrance oils are artificially created and often contain synthetic chemicals.

Essential oils are taken from a plant's flowers, leaves, stalks, bark, rind, or roots. The yield of essential oil differs with individual plant species-ranging in most cases from about 0.2 to 2.0%. That's why literally tons of plant material are required for just a few hundred pounds of oil.

In some cases different organs of a single plant may contain essential oils of different chemical composition. In the end, even the smallest bottle of essential oil can create a lot of powerful solution. It is important to note that the benefits of aromatherapy do depend on the unique nature of each person's response to an aromatic stimulus.

Francesca Black works in marketing at Organic Items http://www.organic-items.com and Aromatherapy Blends http://www.aromatherapy-blends.net leading portals for organic products and essential oils.
