on 12:49 PM

Underlying almost all diseases and ailments are some form of bowel disorder! All unwell people have bowel problems and all unwell people are tired ... toxic laden. It's like a sewer system; if the system gets blocked, the body remains soaking up its own toxic waste which is only conducive to disease development.

You may have heard of it as colonic irrigation and also as colonic therapy or most commonly, colonics. The use of colon hydrotherapy is to cleanse, stimulate and rejuvenate the digestive system. A healthy colon is essential for optimal health and wellbeing of the entire body. It is also an important addition to a detoxification program.

I've heard of colon hydrotherapy years ago when England's Princess Diana famously embraced it and until recently, I poo-pooed the mere thought (excuse the pun!) But I can now confidently encourage everyone to do it. You may ask why would anyone want - let alone pay - to have this done.

The human body is designed to be a self-cleansing organism. Unfortunately however, the modern lifestyle often makes it difficult for the bowel to perform its natural functions efficiently.

Well, colonic therapists agree that stress combined with a sedentary, modern lifestyle often makes it difficult for the bowel to perform its natural functions efficiently and is responsible for most of what ails us.

In fact, it was just such a lifestyle that prompted me to try colon hydrotherapy. I've been feeling increasingly bloated and my various skin problems were not improving. On top of that, my visits to the throne as my father so quaintly refers to his daily constitutional, has diminished in frequency to where I could barely remember when the last time was!

Gross, I know, but that is just the problem! We're all so puritan with our Victorian upbringings that shamed us all into thinking that normal human body functions were somehow dirty!

I know that the more irregular my bowel movements became, the more I stuck my head in the sand and only heard all the other people who complained about their bowels or rather the lack of any movement. On the other hand, there's my darling husband! As regular as clockwork. I thought he had some form of dysentery - that's how regular he was compared to me!

I bravely made an appointment with a well-known colon hydrotherapist in Brisbane and set off, not knowing quite what to expect.

Before the procedure, I had a long chat with the therapist about my medical history and lifestyle. The usual colon hydrotherapy treatment lasts about 45 minutes. Modesty is preserved at all times. During the treatment itself, you are fully covered, wearing a gown, and a sheet is placed from the waist down to maintain dignity.

In the therapists' own words, it is probably one of the most vulnerable situations most people will find themselves in and she handled it with great sensitivity and no fuss!

Most people need a series of treatments, not just one - three to six colonics are usually recommended to successfully clean six feet of large intestine often referred to as the bowel or colon. In my case I've completed 4 sessions and will now go every change of season. The procedure is assisted by a full abdominal massage, which is done by the therapist using her hands, who by the way, stays at your side throughout the entire procedure.

After each colonic treatment I noticed my skin improving. The huge boil-like acne that I've endured for years, have virtually disappeared and all that remains are scar tissue. My visits are more regular, at least daily and whilst for some that doesn't sound like much, for me it is a whole new world! Provided I drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day - and what a hard habit that is to acquire!

I also noticed a flatter stomach and my favorite one of all a clear mind and head. A clean body will promote a clear mind, good thoughts and actions, attracting like-minded people to you.

I chose this therapy to strengthen my immune system and get rid of the increasing heaviness that I experienced. But also because poisons from the colon can weaken and stress the heart, cause skin blemishes, paleness, psoriasis, liver spots, wrinkles and other facial conditions, irritate the lungs and cause foul breath, disturb mental function and cause senility, cause joint pain and stiffness, cause muscle weakness and severe fatigue.

And most of all, it robs you of your youth, ruin your health, and cause you to become old long before your time!

Specific conditions which respond particularly well to colon hydrotherapy are chronic or acute constipation; indigestion; gas; fatigue, especially chronic fatigue syndrome; headaches; depression; stress and nervousness; allergies; lung disorders, including asthma; skin problems, including acne, eczema and psoriasis. Colonics also stimulate the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system to dump toxins.

If you already feel healthy and are interested in maintaining health and promoting longevity, colon hydrotherapy can help with increasing energy, maintaining proper weight and preventing disease.

Go on, try it!

Lizette le Clus-Fox is an ardent advocate for a holistic approach to health and runs http://www.wellnessthoughts.com and her ezine Wellness Thoughts provides regular in-depth information. To learn more about colon hydrotherapy visit her web site today!

on 12:49 PM

Aromatherapy has been a part of human history for centuries past. It dates back to the Egyptian times when essential oils where extracted from plants by soaking them for a while and then filtering out the oils through a linen bag. Some records have it that the procedure now known as aromatherapy was used by Hippocrates and other historic Egyptian physicians. But it did not become general knowledge until late in the 1920s when the French scientist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse first used the procedure in treating the wounded of World War I. The term 'Aromatherapy' was coined by this scientist. After continuous researching, he discovered that certain essential oils have different healing properties. He went ahead to classify these plant essential oils into groups like antiseptic, stimulating, calming, antitoxic, etc based on their healing properties.

However, aromatherapy has come along way from that starting point. Interest has been increasing in this area of holistic healing with many users claiming that aromatherapy encourages stress relief and self-healing. One, therefore wonders, how does aromatherapy works and how far can it realistically go with self-healing and emotional/mental uplifting.

Basically, with aromatherapy, aroma-rich oils are extracted from specific plants. These oils are mixed with other materials like alcohol, oils, lotions etc to give the desired effects on the body. These formulated oils are then applied to the body by either massaging them into the skin, inhaling though air disbursement or pouring into bath water for a soothing and calming effect on the body.

When massaged to the skin, it is believed that the oils are absorbed into the body through the pores on the skin and then directly into the blood stream. The oils are believed to be lipophilic in nature, making it easy to gain entrance into body cells to exert their healing effects. Oils in the bath water seem to follow this pattern too, except that the effect of the oil water mixture tend to add an extra soothing and relaxing feeling to the body. This would be understood better if you think about what a cool shower does to a tired body on a hot afternoon.

When inhaled, the aroma of the oils is believed to activate cells in the nose, sending sensory signals to the limbic system of the brain. This is the part of the brain that takes care of higher sensory functions like emotion, thinking and intelligence.

This would give you a clue into how aromatherapy works. It is believed by practitioners that it can be used emotionally to invigorate, calm and relieve stress and physically to help treat or alleviate certain conditions by stimulating the body's immune system, the nervous system or the circulatory system.

Although, not much scientific evidence is available to support the claims, aromatherapy practitioners believe that aromatherapy can be applied to a wide array of therapeutic treatments including physical and mental conditions, burns, infections, depression, sleep deprivation and high blood pressure.

The best advice is that, aromatherapy should be seen as an adjunct to the normal body healing system. It should be used to complement the body's immune function, but not as a replacement for professional medical attention especially in people with evident signs and symptoms of a medical condition. Aromatherapy could be well effective in uplifting moods, relieving stress and perhaps invigorating the mind, but the therapeutic powers of these plant oils should probably not be over stretched beyond these limits.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Aromatherapy

on 12:39 PM

Have you heard the buzz about using cold lasers for healing countless ailments? Cold lasers are being used by Doctors, Dentists, Acupuncturists, DO?s, Oral Surgeons, Veterinarians, Chiropractors and the list goes on. Treatment with cold laser therapy is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing segments of alternative medicine.

The first cold lasers were used over 30 years ago. In Europe, Asia and Canada cold lasers have been used routinely for about 20 years and yet in America they are relatively new to mainstream medicine. Why is this? Just 3 short years ago the United States FDA started to give clearance to cold lasers for use in specific areas. For example the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), neck and shoulder pain, and other pain treatment applications.

Additional names that are often used interchangeably with cold laser are: low level laser (LLT), photobiostimulation laser, photobiomodulation laser , biostimulating laser, bioregulating laser, soliton laser and soft laser. Until a consensus is reached, the two most important names to remember are cold laser and low level laser, which is often used interchangeably with low level laser therapy (LLLT).

Why is it called a cold laser? A laser that utilizes a diode that is 500 mW or less is called a cold laser because it does not produce enough thermal output to heat the tissue being treated. A variety of cold lasers are available on the market with different power outputs and different wavelengths. Common diode power outputs include: 5 mW, 30 mW, 50 mW, 100 mW, 200 mW and 500 mW. The higher the power output, generally the shorter the treatment.

Is there a difference between a laser and an LED? Yes, it is an important difference, which comes down to coherence and depth of penetration. A cold laser uses coherent, polarized light that is highly focused and columnated, allowing it to travel in a straight line for long distances or to penetrate into the deeper layers of the body. The light from LED?s is monochromatic, non coherent light, which is useful for treatment of superficial tissues such as wounds and skin conditions. In comparative studies, lasers have been shown to be more effective and faster working. Some of the most effective and versatile lasers on the market utilize both laser and LED light output.

Is cold laser therapy scientifically well documented? LLLT will naturally not work on anything, however due to the fact that it treats at a cellular level, it is successful at treating an astounding level of conditions. Some research has failed to demonstrate effect in several indications, however proper treatment is dependant upon numerous factors including dosage, diagnosis, frequency of treatment and treatment technique. More than 2500 research reports are published and more than 100 double-blind positive studies confirm the clinical effect of cold laser therapy. Over 90% of the 370 studies revealed in the limited LLLT dental literature alone verify the clinical value of cold laser therapy.

For a good selection of cold lasers offering a variety of power outputs visit http://quantum-healing-lasers.com and also check out the section on frequently asked questions.

About The Author
Kalon Prensky has been an alternative health practitioner for over 15 years. He is dedicated to teaching alternative modes of healing including modes of preventive medicine, and complimentary medicine. On his website Quantum-Healing-Lasers.com he provides a large selection of cold lasers for home and professional use, along with extensive research studies and information about cold laser applications from pain to smoking cessation.

on 12:34 AM

Mesotherapy is used to treat several conditions, including cellulite, localized fat deposits, facial and neck wrinkles, acne, hair loss and stretch marks. Injections of various natural or synthetic compounds are introduced with a tiny needle into the mesoderm, or layer of fatty and connective tissue immediately below the skin. Most people are able to tolerate the slight pain felt during an injection. For people with a low pain threshold, injections can be given under local anesthesia.

Mesotherapy is thought to improve the appearance of cellulite, or superficial fat deposits, through several complementary mechanisms. Fat cells are broken down, new fat is prevented from forming, damaged connective tissue that creates the dimpling effect is broken down, and blood circulation is improved. The end result is a smoothening of the skin.

To treat more localized fat deposits, such as love handles, a compound called phosphatidlycholine is commonly injected. This compound is a ?good? fat that is naturally produced by the body. When injected into an area with excess fat, it acts by stimulating the removal of stored fat, and blocking the deposition of newly formed fat.

Mesolifts, or facelifts using Mesotherapy, involve the injection of vitamins below facial and neck skin. These vitamins are thought to stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin, two proteins make skin elastic and firm, and to also improve skin circulation. Similar treatments can be used for other parts of the body where the skin can develop wrinkles or may sag, such as the neck and hands.

The benefits of Mesotherapy include minimal invasiveness and no recovery time. Since very small amounts of drugs or other substances are injected, the potential for side effects may be substantially reduced. However, like any other treatment, Mesotherapy can have side effects. Bruising, allergies and infection are some possible side effects.

Mesotherapy provides detailed information about mesotherapy, cost of mesotherapy, mesotherapy before and after, mesotherapy injections and more. Mesotherapy is the sister site of Mesothelioma Doctors Info.

on 12:54 AM

Every year there are more new cases of skin cancer than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers combined. One in 5 Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. 90% of skin cancers are caused by excessive sun exposure, yet fewer than 33 percent of adults, adolescents, and children routinely use sun protection.

Cancer prevention and early detection techniques could eliminate up to 100,000 cancer cases and 60,000 US cancer deaths each year. New technologies in the evaluation and treatment of sun damaged skin could have a positive impact on changing these statistics.

The same sunny weather that attracts so many tourists and new residents to the sun-belt also increases the risk of skin cancer. The effects of chronic sun exposure result in superficial sun spots that are visible and also invisible changes that occur under the skin?s surface. Ultraviolet photography and photodynamic therapy (PDT) are two recent developments that should help in the early detection and treatment of both types of pre-cancerous skin lesions.

Early Detection with UV Photography Ultraviolet (UV) photography offers a very useful screening tool to help the skilled physician detect sun damaged skin that may not be visible upon a routine examination. Visual inspection can only detect changes on the skin?s surface, but damage due to sun exposure occurs beneath the outer layer of skin,

The UV camera briefly shines ultraviolet light on the face. UV light is able to penetrate 1.5-2.0 millimeters under the visible dead layer of skin and focus on the actual living portion where sun damage originates. The advantage to the doctor and the patient is that this technology allows for much earlier detection of skin problems before they develop into pre-cancers that are visible on the skins surface. After finishing the treatment plan, the doctor should take another UV photo to verify the treatment efficacy. UV photography also helps evaluate other skin conditions including acne, oil balance, hydration, inflammation, growths, fungi, pH, and thin skin due to reduced collagen which makes it an ideal tool to evaluate all problem skin.

After the damage to the deeper layers of skin, superficial signs of sun damage may eventually appear on the surface. The most common surface lesion is known as actinic keratoses (AK). AKs usually appear as rough or scaly patches. They may also flake, crust, and may temporarily disappear and then return.

An AK is most likely to appear on the face, ears, scalp, neck, backs of the hands and forearms, shoulders, and lips - the parts of the body most often exposed to sunshine. The scaly patch may be light or dark, tan, pink, red, or a combination of these?or the same color as your skin.

It is estimated that 10-20% of untreated AKs will develop into squamous cell cancers. If treated early, almost all AKs can be eliminated without becoming skin cancers. If you have AKs, it indicates that you have sustained sun damage and have a higher risk for developing all types of skin cancer - not just squamous cell carcinoma.

The more keratoses a person has, the greater the chance that one or more may turn into skin cancer. People may also have up to 10 times as many subclinical (invisible) lesions as visible, surface lesions. These invisible lesions were undetectable until the development of the UV camera.

Treatment options The most common treatment options for AKs have traditionally involved topical ointment 5-FU (Effudex), laser resurfacing, or chemical peels. To avoid the prolonged recovery period and possible scarring associated with these techniques, photodynamic therapy has been developed.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is the treatment of choice for the invisible deeper sun damage as well as the visible pre-cancerous AK lesions. PDT involves a two step process that has been proven effective in clinical testing. This treatment cleared 100% of the AKs in 2/3 of the patients after one treatment.

The first step is the application of a topical solution called Levulan. Abnormal cells have a much greater affinity for the solution and absorb it while the healthy cells do not. The solution is left on for an incubation period lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to 18 hours.

The second step of PDT is to apply a concentrated light source to activate the chemical reaction which destroys the abnormal cells. Since the solution is absorbed only in the damaged cells, the healthy cells are not affected. This process can cause a mild burning sensation during the treatment. Usually, this improves immediately after treatment and ends within 24 hours.

Following the treatment, most patients experience mild swelling, redness, and a peeling of the AK lesions and the surrounding tissue. Patients choosing a more aggressive treatment will experience more peeling and/or crusting of the damaged skin that resolves within in one or two weeks. The doctor can easily control the severity of these reactions by limiting the incubation period and the amount of exposure to the light source.

Patients not willing to experience a prolonged recovery time after the procedure may choose a more mild treatment and return to work after a day or two. The tradeoff is that they will require more treatments to achieve the same clinical results.

In addition to eliminating AKs and the subsurface skin damage, PDT has also been effective in improving the appearance of the skin by greatly reducing moderate to severe acne (including cystic acne), reducing color splotches, lessening the fine lines, and decreasing pore size.

Anyone who currently has, has had, or wants to prevent AKs or pre-cancerous skin lesions should be evaluated and treated using UV photography and photodynamic therapy (PDT).? Once a person has been successfully treated using this approach, it is recommended they return for a yearly follow up to prevent future problems.

William Nelson, NMD is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor and a member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. Dr. Nelson specializes in treating problem skin, reducing cellulite, and obesity by combining the latest medical advances with safe, non-invasive natural therapies to improve the looks and the health of his clients. Dr. Nelson is accepting new patients in his Scottsdale. He can be reached at (480) 612-5048. http://www.iclearacne.com

on 12:46 AM

Lifetime Prevalence of Depression and the Age-of-Onset Report Distributions of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM) in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication

The paragraph title sounds complicated, but the study conclusions are critical and simple to understand. Lifetime prevalence estimates are as follows: anxiety disorders, 28.8%; mood disorders, 20.8%; impulse-control disorders, 24.8%; substance use disorders, 14.6%; any disorder, 46.4%. Median age of onset is much earlier for anxiety (11 years) and impulse-control (11 years) disorders than for substance use (20 years) and mood (30 years) disorders. Half of all lifetime cases start by age 14 years and three fourths by age 24 years. Later onsets are mostly of comorbid conditions, with estimated lifetime risk of any disorder at age 75 years (50.8%) only slightly higher than observed lifetime prevalence (46.4%).

Lifetime prevalence estimates are higher in recent cohorts than in earlier cohorts and have fairly stable intercohort differences across the life course that vary in substantively plausible ways among sociodemographic subgroups.

Conclusions: About half of Americans will meet the criteria for a DSM-IV disorder sometime in their life, with first onset usually in childhood or adolescence. Interventions aimed at prevention or early treatment need to focus on youth and young adults. The earlier the disease is treated, the better chance for a successful recovery. If traditional antidepressants do not provide adequate relief from depression , vagus nerve stimulation therapy is a powerful yet relatively simple procedure.

Sources: Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass (Dr Kessler; Mss Demler and Walters; and Mr Jin); Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Ms Berglund); and Section on Developmental Genetic Epidemiology, National Institute of Mental Health, Rockville, Md (Dr Merikangas).

Learn more about vagus nerve stimulation at www.VagusNerveStimulator.com

Charles Donovan was a patient in the FDA investigational trial for vagus nerve stimulation and depression. He testified to the Panel at the Advisory Meeting on June 15th. After 25 years of chronic depression, vagus nerve stimulation completely cured his chronic depression. The author is so grateful and humbled by this remarkable device. Learn more at his website: http://www.VagusNerveStimulator.com There is a free newsletter to keep you up-to-date.

on 10:26 PM

With the pace of life today, people are just far too busy. What with working the 9-5 job, keeping up with children's activities, and trying to juggle everything all at once, it is amazing that anyone gets any sleep at all. Lack of sleep is so prevalent, that studies show that over 80 percent of Americans are not getting enough rest. It is essential to get enough sleep each night so that your body is able to to heal itself. Whether your illnesses are physical and affecting your body, or of your mind, and playing havoc with your emotions, or if they are spiritual and holding back your spiritual growth, it is very important that you take the time to rest every night.

Children and teenagers are also not getting adequate sleep every night. Because of the high demands placed on school children these days, finding the time to get the sleep and rest they need is falling down the list of priorities.

Not getting enough sleep is damaging to everyone and its effects on you personally need to be taken seriously. Apart from being grumpy, moody, and agitated, not getting sufficient sleep can lower body functions and bring about sickness. Your immune system may become slow or sluggish and hence its not working at its optimum level, thereby allowing various colds and flu to come and infect the body.

Your performance at work and school also suffer when you're not getting a good amount of sleep. Some studies have shown that inadequate sleep will alter the body's natural hormones and speed up the aging process. Along with those factors, when your body feels tired, you don't often have the energy to exercise. Therefore as your lifestyle becomes more sedentary, and you suffer from lack of sleep, your metabolism eventually slows down and and this causes weight gain.

There are various reasons why people sometimes find it difficult to fall asleep. Some of the reasons include fear, stress, anxiety, too much caffeine, medications, depression or physical pain. When you suffer from any of these conditions, you can often feel trapped in a never-ending cycle. First, you need to go to work or school, yet you don't have the energy to keep awake and focused. If you're not getting the proper rest required then you're not able to function at your optimum level. You spend your days feeling exhausted, just waiting for night to come. Then, when nighttime come, you can't fall asleep, so the cycle continues. Breaking this cycle is essential so that you have sufficient energy to not only get through your day but also to enjoy the things you want to do.

One way of breaking this cycle is to use some aromatherapy oils. You take these to help stimulate your mind and increase your energy levels throughout the day. Initially, you can make your own inhaling oil from Juniper, Peppermint, and Geranium. This herbal formula can be mixed and placed on the end of an inhalant tube. It will stimulate the mind and body by increasing blood flow and promoting self-awareness.

If you want to know more about aromatherapy to help you sleep and have more energy, click over to Sally?s site http://www.guide2aromatherapy.com where you?ll find more information about aromatherapy oil burners

on 10:53 AM

In the battle to look good, there?s a cosmetic treatment that is going a few rounds with cellulite and small fatty deposits. Mesotherapy is knocking out fat and rejuvenating skin in people who give it a try. Chances are you?re doing everything that you can to cut away cellulite and small fatty deposits. You?re watching what you eat. You?re using creams and lotions. But, nothing is working, right? Well, that?s because cellulite is the heavy-hitting problem facing men and women alike. It is one of the hardest cosmetic problems to get rid of!

Gweneth Lowe is the mother of two children. She has been in the ring with fat for about five years. She works out in a gym three times a week for an hour. Still, she could not get rid of the fat in her problem area. Her thighs. 10 sessions with mesotherapy has given her the relief she?s been working out for. Lowe says, ?I?ve lost about three inches from my hips. My thighs have shrunk. I?m down to a dress size 6 and loving it!?

Lowe gained her weight and cellulite after having babies. However, doctors believe cellulite and small fatty deposits affects more than 90% of post-puberty women. Wow, I bet you can?t believe it affects so many people! We don?t have any accurate data on the number of men who suffer from it. Men just don?t complain about it as much as women. Cellulite and small fatty deposits are seen as a ?ladies problem.? You can find the extra fat most commonly on the butt, hips, and legs. Overweight people are not the only ones affected by it. Skinny people can have cellulite and small fatty deposits as well.

You?ll definitely know cellulite when you see it. It gives the surface of the skin a lumpy often-dimpled affect. Cellulite forms due to water retention in fat cells. The fat cells are surrounded by tissue. The tissue hardens forming a sclerosis. The result is the cottage cheese appearance on the outward layer of the skin. And fatty deposits form because of genetics. It?s not your fault you have them. Mesotherapy helps to get rid of the fat to sculpt your body where it?s needed.

More and more physicians are putting their money on mesotherapy as a viable means to fight cellulite and excess fat. Mesotherapy has been used in France for years. Dr. Michel Pistor invented it in 1952. However, the treatments popularity is just now coming to the forefront as a safe and effective cosmetic treatment. And it is used in dozens of countries by thousands of trained practitioners.

You may be wondering exactly how does mesotherapy work? It?s quite easy. Let?s look at the procedure.

The treatment sessions take only a few minutes. However, you may need several injections over the course of several weeks. Fortunately, the needle that is used is tiny. Doctors? estimate that four to ten sessions is enough to block your ability to store fat and stimulates your ability to burn it up. The drugs are injected into the middle layer of the skin called the mesoderm. That?s where mesotherapy gets its name.

The drugs work together to break down fat faster than any other method. A licensed practitioner puts medication and vitamins into the middle layer of the skin using microinjections. The medicine helps to reshape the body. A single mesotherapy session can cost as much as $500 because of the amount of drugs that are used. The treatment uses drugs that are commonly used for asthma and high blood pressure.

Vitamins and supplements are also used to knock out the fat. Two drugs in particular are already approved by the FDA for use in other procedures. One of the medications is an asthma drug called aminophylline. A cardiac drug called Isopreteranol is also used on a widespread basis. Here?s two other commonly used medications that are injected into your system. They?re called phosphatidylcholine and sodium deoxycholate..

As I mentioned, you may have to go through at least three to five sessions before you see any results. The number of treatments depends on several factors including, the severity of the condition and the cause of the problem. Mesotherapy helps to improve the body in many ways. It improves blood flow to the area that?s being treated. It dissolves excess fat deposits, removes hardened tissue and improves lymphatic drainage.

Now that you know how mesotherapy works, you?re probably wondering how safe is it? It?s safe according to the doctors and researchers who have trained in it. However some doctors are concerned about the concoction of drugs that are used together to eat away at the cellulite and small fatty deposits. Some say that the Food and Drug Administration should approve all the drugs that are used for use together. So far, they are approved for use apart. And a medical doctor is licensed to use medications as he/she sees fit.

A second concern is what happens to the fatty acids if they are not burned off? Where are they going? The ideal situation is for the fatty acids to burn off. However, a problem could arise if the fatty acids go directly into other tissue. This could lead to damage in the other tissue increasing the risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Fortunately, none of these concerns have materialized despite hundreds of millions of treatments done around the globe. No wonder- for people like Gweneth Lowe the benefits far outweigh the concerns. She says, ?I?m just happy to get rid of the excess fat. I eat right. I see my doctor on a regular basis for checkups. I?m happy with the results.? You could be too! Mesotherapy gives you a viable option if you want to get rid of cellulite and small fatty deposits.

About The Author

Dr. Barry Lycka is an internationally known cosmetic dermatologist and surgeon who practices in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada where he has worked from 1989. Recently, Dr. Lycka was chosen as Alberta's Dream Makeover Doctor. For more information you can visit his website at http://www.BarryLyckaMD.com.

on 10:43 AM

Depression is often a sign that something is wrong in our lives. This being the case it can also be a call to action, which for one reason or another you are unable or unwilling to take.

Gaining perspective and reducing stress and anxiety can put you in a better and more resourceful state to resolve the problem(s) in your life that previously may have seemed overwhelming.

Managing your life by utilising the following quick tips :-

1) Talk to a friend, family member or other help body about how you feel and the problems in your life.

2) Don't be afraid to let others know that you are finding things difficult at the moment. Keeping matters to yourself only adds to your burden.

3) Tell people how they can help you. Often people will give help but it is not what you really need. Tell them and their offers of assistance will be more appropriate.

4) It is best not to make life-changing decisions such as changing jobs or moving home while you are feeling depressed. If you can, put them off... unless delaying them adds to your depression. Of course for some people moving jobs or home may be the resolution to the depression.

5) If you have any anger, bitterness, resentment or frustration towards anyone, the only person that these emotions are hurting is you. If you can, decide to let them go.

6) Engage others in conversation. Shop assistants, bank clerks, meter readers are all human and it can make their day if you ask how they are and it will also help you.

7) Find some volunteer work to do. It does not have to be much. It can be just helping the elderly neighbour mow their lawn or giving them some plants for their garden. Their happiness and joy at receiving your help will come back to you.

8) Wear brighter clothes. Surround yourself with vibrant colours. Colour has the power to change our moods so use them.

9) Keep a diary of how you have felt each day and particularly write down your successes no matter how minor they might seem to be.

10) Forgive yourself. Don't beat yourself up with negative self talk or put yourself down in front of others. Remember that you are doing the best you can with what you have.

11) Use humour in a positive way. Don't put yourself or others down through humour. Use humour to help and not to be an underhand way to harm.

12) Allow yourself to cry. Give yourself permission to have a good cry. It will release much more than you realise.

13) Draw up a plan of action and cross off each action point as you do it. It will give you a great feeling of getting something and help your motivation.

14) Get into new healthy habits and routines. Decide which days to exercise on or do some other activity and stick to it.

15) Introduce something new into your life. This might be a new hobby or joining an evening class to learn a new skill.

16) When someone praises you or gives you a compliment just say 'thank you'. You will then allow your self esteem to accept a useful boost.

17) Listen to some uplifting music when you want to feel more energetic and choose some relaxing music when you want to unwind.

18) Take a break. Get away from your home even if it is for a few days. You can make an excuse to visit a distant friend if you cannot afford to pay for accommodation.

19) Sing or hum a favourite song of yours. Do it out loud when you are doing some activity.

20) Tidy one part of your home that has been neglected for some time like that draw fill of papers of that cupboard.

21) Pull the curtains back more and clean your windows to allow as much light as possible into your home.

These tips can help you feel better and more in control.

For anything other than mild temporary depression please seek your doctor's advice.

Steven A. Harold
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Resolve Depression with Hypnosis Cds

on 10:31 AM

Will we see you at Sundance this year?

The words took me by surprise. I had neither anticipated nor sought them out. As I stammered Uh, well, uh...sure in response, I had a rush of fear because I knew that this was not a question or a request, it was a directive. And the directive was not from this man called Godfrey; it was from Spirit.

About a month and a half earlier, in 1990, after a ten-year involvement in various Twelve-Step programs based on Alcoholics Anonymous, I had come to an unusual realization. For the first time in my life, I found myself expressing a desire to have a Teacher that would help facilitate my spiritual path.

I was never one to follow anyone in my life. I knew that following wasn't what it all was about. I had no idea what such a Teacher would look like. I simply longed to be able to sit at the feet of someone of flesh and blood for a change who could perhaps model what a well-rounded relationship with Spirit was, perhaps just talk to me about such things...who knew? The gist of it was that I was tired of having my spirituality so deep inside me that it had no form.

Within two weeks of expressing that intention in my prayers, I was at a local coffee shop and saw a makeshift poster announcing a Cannunpa (Cha-nupa) Ceremony, a ceremony with the Sacred Pipe by a Lakota family, who was in town. With no particular investment, I went to the address, only to find that it was at the home of a friend.

I found myself in a circle with about twenty people, and quietly watched the proceedings. Curious. The family was named Chips; a mother and her three sons, with a couple of assistants. It was all very simple. The eldest brother, Charles, led the ceremony after talking a little bit about their lives on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. He said nothing at all astounding or earth-shaking, and I suppose what I appreciated most was that he seemed very aware, and happy to be alive.

He said they were there doing healing ceremonies for the sick, that they had been invited, or sponsored by a local family, with whom they would be staying for a month or so. He spoke of the Yuwipi ceremony where Spirit comes through his younger brother, Godfrey, and directs the people seeking healing. Through Yuwipi, Spirit tells them what they need to do in order to restore their health.

Having been involved in conventional medicine for sixteen years, and having had my own deeply Spiritual experiences with life and death, I was more than curious; I was determined to be a part of what they had to offer. In my typical way, after we had all prayed and shared the Pipe and most of the attendees had left, I lingered and queried as to what it would take to be a part of a ceremony. Of course I thought I might be able to step right in, and of course what I found was that such sacred things are not spectator sports.

After a couple of weeks of maintaining contact with my friends--and, embarrassed as I am about it, lobbying to be a part--I was told that the family would be asked if I could attend an Inipi, better known as a purification or sweat lodge. I was told that there, Godfrey would know my heart and only then would I be invited to get more involved. Or not.

The Twelve Steps had taught me about surrender, and even with all my enthusiasm, I knew that the best I could do was to open myself up completely to what was happening and leave the rest up to powers greater than myself. So that's what I did. After a while I was invited to an Inipi, and then another and another, until I did four nights in a row. My world was rocked.

I went through what felt like the successive stages of a human being's spiritual development. There was little thought during the ceremony itself. In the midst of the ancient songs and drumming and prayers and heat and fear and relief and sweat and pain and expansion, contraction, deaths and rebirths, it felt as if my insides were re-ordered--every part of me. I had been brought from the visceral experience of the first person looking up and perceiving the moon in wonder to the expression of humanity that I was on that fourth day of ceremony in 1990.

Next: Intention in action.

Russ Reina shares over 35 years of experience in the healing arts through his web site http://mauihealingartist.com. It is a potent resource for those wishing to deepen their abilities in connection and develop their powers as healers. For a powerful free tool to explore your inner world, please check out his adjunct site http://thestoryofthis.net.

(Permission is granted to reprint this article, unedited, provided proper attribution is made and the signature line -- the above resource paragraph -- is kept intact)

on 1:16 AM

If you always wondered what aromatherapy means, all you need to do is look at the name again. It is the treatment of the body and the mind by the use of scents and essential oils derived from plants. And to be specific these plants are known as being aromatic, hence the first part of the name. The second part is self explanatory.

Aromatherapy is very effective in making you feel good mentally and physically by the way it affects your senses. What you see, touch, and feel affects you in your daily life either in a positive, negative or even a neutral way. Aromatherapy slots in as a positive influence as it treats your mind and body through your sense of smell restoring and promoting balance when you need it most. Your sense of feeling is the other part of the senses influenced by aromatherapy as essential oils are also absorbed through your skin during massage or while bathing in water containing essential oils.

So, for example, if you feel stressed, plants like lavender will help you to relax. If you breath the lavender scent it will sooth you. So will the oils when absorbed through the skin either through massage or when you have a bath. If you feel low in energy essences like mint will give you that extra stimulus to make you spring back into action. Again these oils can be breathed in, used during massage or while bathing. They act as stimuli on the brain provoking a reaction in your chemical make up through your sense of smell and through the skin.

Aromatherapy has become the alternative medicine of choice for the busy society we live in. It is a beneficial because the oils and scents are pure and natural. It is an alternative that has been around too long for it to have any kind of side effect that the general population would find harmful. But of course you cannot legislate for substances you might be allergic to even ones that are considered benign.

And it is not only a kind of alternative medicine but is also used quite widely as an alternative for cosmetics and it is a very good replacement because the essences of aromatic plants are completely natural and as discussed not harmful to most people. In fact the benefits of aromatherapy covers not only us humans but animals as well. Essential oils such as niaouli, eucalyptus and tea tree are being credited by dog owners as being effective in combating the common colds of our best friend.

In conclusion aromatherapy has been shown to be a very effective replacement for treatments of the body and mind. It has been practiced from ancient times to cure various ailments and is still to this day very popular to treat these same ailments as well as curing newer ailments of our times like stress and anxiety. It is also widely used as natural beauty treatment alternative. Even cats and dogs like the effects of aromatherapy so it is sure to be here to stay and perhaps you will find it to have even more beneficial uses in the future.

Graham Grant is the editor of Aroma Therapy Best Guide a website totally dedicated to aromatherapy. For more articles and information please find out more at http://aromatherapy-best-guide.info

on 6:34 PM

When we were young, the word wrinkles and fine lines doesn?t seem to cross our mind at all. Because at that time, our skin still have intact collagen framework thus making it remains moisturized and elastic at most of the time. However, as one ages, our skin seems to lose its elasticity and develop more and more fine lines and wrinkles. These happen as the effect of the wear down of our skin collagen support, along with our daily facial expression and environmental exposure.

To treat this aging skin effect, you can go for wrinkle therapy to reduce the wrinkle effect. Wrinkle therapy is actually a treatment for your skin by providing nutrients or vitamins that your skin needs. Some of the examples are botox injection, Collagen injection, applying anti-wrinkle creams and etc.

Botox is actually a highly purified preparation of botulinum toxin A. Commonly used in aesthetic industry for injection, Botox acts by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles and so paralyzing the muscles. It is only injected in a very small amount into certain muscles to reduce the effect of wrinkles.

Besides Botox, you can opt for Collagen injection. Collagen is a formation of protein which forms a network of fibers that provides a framework for the growth of cells and blood vessels. By injecting collagen, you can get plumper and smoother appearance.

Though can provide effective and fast result, you should be cautious on choosing the wrinkle therapies. Make sure that you explain your health condition thoroughly to the physician before undergoing any sort of treatment. This is to make sure that your body would not falsely react to the treatment and cause any unwanted result. Usually, prior to subscribing any wrinkle therapy to you, your doctor will conduct some health screening to find out suitable type of therapy and whether or not your condition allow for such treatment.

Other than Botox and Collagen injection, there are also anti wrinkle cream that offers gradual skin texture improvement. This option is generally more cost effective and widely available in the market. You can easily get them without any doctor prescription. However, anti wrinkle cream is not as effective as botox or collagen injection because they work only on the skin surface and difficult to penetrate to the skin. So, the effect for this treatment may take more of your time.

Jerrick Foo has been researching and developing all dry skin care the purpose of offering men and women safe, dry skin care tips. He have created Dry Skin Care Guide to share his 10 years of combined expertise with you. Visit http://www.dry-skin-care-guide.com for essential skin care tips.

on 6:14 PM

EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques was developed by Gary Craig. He, attended a course on TFT - Thought Field Therapy (Dr. Roger Callaghan) and wanted to simply what he discovered to make the process as easy as possible to use but without detracting from its effectiveness.

What is EFT?

EFT is a technique which involves the stimulation of various acupuncture points whilst connecting to (thinking or talking about) the issue that the person wants to resolve.

In order to understand the principals beyond EFT it is useful to start off with an understanding of acupuncture.

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in China as a method of helping people overcome physical, psychological and emotional problems and issues. The underlying idea of acupuncture is this: -

1) The body has a number meridian lines contained within the body.

2) Along the meridian lines flows energy which is called 'Chi' (pronounced chee)

3) The ends and beginnings and parts in between of each of the meridian lines (acupuncture points) are close enough to the surface of the body for them to be affected by physical manipulation.

4) If a person has an particular issue, an experienced acupuncturist will know which meridian lines will have a blockage in them relevant to the issue, will know the acupuncture points appropriate to use for the resolution of that issue.

5) Acupuncture needles, which are very thin and hollow, can be inserted in appropriate acupuncture points to deliberately help the flow of energy through a particular meridian line.

6) With the blockage in the flow of Chi gone the issue goes or improves as well.

Now acupressure is the manipulation of those same acupuncture points on the body but instead of using acupuncture needles, the fingers and thumbs are used instead. Forms of acupressure that you might have experienced before are reflexology or shiatsu.

With EFT, instead of using needles or pressure on the acupuncture points, a series of light tapping with the fingers is used. The tapping can be done by the person with the issue for themselves or a practitioner can do the tapping for them.

Now at the same time the person is asked to repeat a sentence which describes the issue. The idea behind this is that the person stays connected to the issue (by repeating the description of the problem). At the end of one round of tapping on various acupuncture points, the strength of the issue is checked with the person. Of the issue is still present more rounds of EFT (tapping) will be used.

One round of EFT takes only around 60-90 seconds and the majority of people who have experienced EFT report a decrease in the strength of the issue.

With EFT being a process that anyone can use on themselves, it can be a very useful tool to help anyone deal with any issue whether physical, psychological or emotional.

The great news about EFT is that you do not have to have your belief system involved. You do not have to believe in EFT for it to be effective. All you do need is maybe a sense of curiosity and willingness to do it. As the rewards are high, the loss of that old issue, thousands of people have become regular EFT users and there are many EFT practitioners in the UK and worldwide now available to help people quickly.

Steven Harold
EFT Practitioner London

on 4:52 PM

Have you ever had the experience of sleeping for over eight hours and feeling tired and lethargic the next day? In fact it?s just as bad as not having enough sleep isn?t it?

So what happened?

You?ve had too much sleep. More exactly most of that sleep was probably light sleep. Yes you were asleep for a long time but the quality of your sleep was lacking. The deep sleep stage 4 which restores and revitalizes your body was absent.

The body tries to achieve the rest it needs. If it can?t find it in eight hours sleep, it will try for longer (if it?s allowed to) If your sleep system is damaged, you will cycle between REM and the lighter stages of sleep, missing out on the deeper stages. This is one of the least understood aspects of insomnia.

Most people think of insomnia as not being able to fall asleep, or not being able to stay asleep and that?s quite true. But the inability to have quality sleep is just as debilitating. More so because it goes unrecognised.

So how can we make sure the sleep we do get is quality sleep?

We have to ?reset? our body clock (circadian rhythm) If this is out of sync, we will continue to struggle through the day.

Stress releases various hormones which can negatively impact on our sleep. Practice relaxation and your sleep quality will improve.

Another important way to reset the circadian rhythm is to ensure we go to bed at the same time each night. This can be nearly impossible for shift workers and this is why many shift workers have such poor quality sleep.

Bright Light Therapy (also called phototherapy). This can also help shift workers. It?s very important for our eyes to absorb enough light when we wake up. Bright light therapy can replace natural sunlight for those doing shift work, or for those that live in countries with extremely short days in the winter.

Bright light boxes can emit very bright light which causes the melatonin in the body to fall, thus making us feel wide awake and full of energy. It may be worth investing in one of these if you have to start your ?day? in the middle of the night or even on dark overcast mornings.

Having enough light in the mornings also elevates our core body temperature and even our moods. If you?re lucky enough to live in a sunny climate, make sure you take advantage of this.

Too much sleep as well as being potentially unhealthy is a big time waster. Improve the quality of your sleep to sleep better and have more time to yourself during the day.

Are you sleeping too much but still feeling tired? You need quality sleep, not more sleep. Visit http://www.insomnia-connection.com/too-much-sleep.html your resource for good sleep advice and articles. Sign on for our newsletter and receive 2 books absolutely free! Wendy Owen is a health researcher and author.

on 12:54 AM

Massage therapy can offer senior citizens a number of benefits that will greatly improve their sense of health and wellbeing. As the population continues to age, it is important to consider ways that we can work to improve the lives of those affected by the passing of time. A number of studies have shown that massage therapy can have a direct impact in managing the effects of aging. It has also shown promise in bringing comfort to those suffering from arthritis and other physical ailments.

As people age, they naturally become less active. This lack of physical activity can lead to the onset of other conditions which, if not dealt with, can greatly reduce their quality of life. The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) has been promoting the use of massage therapy for some time now. According to a recent study, there is a general awareness of massage therapy but a lack of understanding of its direct benefits.

In the case of senior citizens, there are a number of benefits that be derived from therapeutic massage. According to the Touch Research Institute, it is extremely useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients, as it can facilitate relaxation and communication. In the case of arthritis sufferers, it can greatly assist in pain management and help increase range of motion. It also triggers natural joint lubrication, which is extremely important for those suffering from arthritis.

Massage therapy has also shown promise by helping to increase strength and muscle coordination. It can also greatly improve one's posture by reducing muscle tension, which has the added benefit of assisting seniors with a higher quality of rest. Massage has also been known to boost one's natural energy levels, along with their mental awareness. Study after study has shown that there is a place for massage therapy within the health care community.

More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of massage therapy. In an age where the common approach to pain management has been dominated by the interests of the pharmaceutical industry, massage therapy has shown to be an effective and natural solution to the ailments associated with process of aging. If you or a loved one are interested in learning more about the benefits of therapeutic massage, please visit the website mentioned below.

Stephanie Macintosh is a certified massage therapist based in Portland. When she is not busy with her growing practice, she writes for massagetherapy101.com ? an insightful website with information about the benefits of Massage Therapy, Massage Techniques, Massage Equipment and more.

on 3:43 AM

Waking up tired and expecting to be revived in minutes does not seem realistic; especially for those who aren't addicted to the most common drug: caffeine.

Want to wake up without caffeine? Or just wake up in general?

Take a Contrast Shower. That will do it. Not only will it wake you up, but it will wake others in the house as you let out a wail once the cold water hits you.

It's not that bad.

How did I stumble across this crazy natural treatment for fatigue and lethary? It was prescribed to me by my naturopathic medical doctor years ago. I did it and it worked amazingly.

Who cannot take a contrast shower? If you are asthmatic, have active autoimmune disease, inflammation, cardiovascular issues, pregnant, temperature insensitive, weak feeling or otherwise do not feel that you should, do not take a contrast shower. Seek the advice of your physician if you have any questions about the safety of this procedure.

How does one take a contrast shower:

  • Drag out of bed
  • Get into the shower and turn the water as hot as you like. Hotter the better as the blood flow is stronger - obviously don't burn yourself. Hot water for about 3 minutes.
  • You may wash during this time - may as well as you're likely late to work.
  • At the 3 minute mark, I turn the water up higher for a brief moment until I'm just begging for a cool down. Then turn the nob.
  • Turn the shower all the way to cold for 30 seconds
  • Then turn it back to as hot as you can for another 3 minutes.
  • Then repeat cold for 30 seconds
  • Then hot for 3 minutes
  • Then end with cold for 30 seconds.
  • Basically 3 sets of 3 minutes hot and 30 seconds cold.

That's it! You're done! How do you think it sounds? You going to do it?!

Let me say a bit more.

When you get really hot water on you for 3 minutes, you do crave cold. I recommend that you have something colorful in the shower to stare at while you're getting blasted with cold water. Reminds me of the tropics. Or close your eyes while in the cold water part and imagine you're walking down the beach gazing at palm trees.

An easy way to ease into the cold part is to only put your head into the water. Once your head has adjusted, let the water go down your back. Ease into it. You'll get it.

When you finish with cold for the last time, you end up extremely hot and sweating. This is a good sign that you did the procedure correctly. Why do you sweat? Your body does not want you cold. When ending with cold for 30 seconds, your surface temperature gets cold because the blood rushes away. As soon as you stop the cold, your blood comes screaming back in to warm you. This sudden rush of blood makes you hot.

The trick is not keeping the cold on for too long and making sure you have the hot water on long enough. If you have the cold water on for say 1 minute and hot water on for 1 minute, you're going to be cold. So make sure you do the 3 sets of 3 minutes hot and 30 seconds cold.

If you want, do what I do - just do one set. I don't have time every day for a 10 minute procedure so I cut it short. I still feel super charged afterwards.

Enjoy it! It really does make you feel refreshed, full of energy and hot as heck after you are done.

I'll get into the mechanics of hot cold showers and also why they are beneficial - besides just feeling good afterwards.

An important note that needs to be addressed is what hot water does to chlorine. Chlorine is a gas and when hot becomes very volatile. Chlorine is a lung-irritant and destroys proteins. Proteins are everywhere - your hair, eyes, skin, inside you. I say inside you as one typical shower in chlorinated water is equivalent to drinking 8 cups of chlorinated water. If you are asthmatic, have acne, winter skin, dry eyes, dandruff, eczema or other skin conditions, I highly recommend getting a shower chlorine filter.

Questions, ask the med student!

In health,


(c) 2005 Benjamin Lynch of HealthE Goods

Benjamin Lynch has a BS degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Washington. Currently, he is obtaining his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. Visit Ben's natural health product store, HealthE Goods where one can use our free health information service where one may ask specific health questions. We provide physician-grade non-prescription natural health products. Wholesale spa products are available to all that qualify. Do visit our Healthy Lifestyle and Wellness Blog. We are here to help serve the public with proper health information and effective products. Products described in the article are available at HealthE Goods.

on 12:18 AM

Depression is a serious illness that affects millions of Americans. Although many patients must manage their depression with medication and therapy, a good percentage of individuals with mild and moderate depression can successfully manage their symptoms with diet and exercise. This does not mean that their depression is ?imaginary?. It just means that some individuals can manage their depression naturally, without the unpleasant side-effects of anti-depressant drugs. If you have depressive symptoms, check with your doctor and then try the depression diet and see if it lightens your mood!

The Depression Diet

Step 1

See your doctor first! I cannot stress this enough. Many serious medical conditions cause serious depressive symptoms. Here are some common illnesses that cause depression in many individuals. If you have an underlying medical disorder, like diabetes, it is imperative that you alert your doctor, so he/she can manage both illnesses together.

This is not an exhaustive list. A medical evaluation is always an important part of your diagnosis. Ask for a complete blood panel and a thyroid test. People with chronic disease have a much higher risk of developing depressive symptoms, so it is important to rule out other physical disease. Many medications have depressive side effects. Birth control pills, sleeping pills, and high blood pressure medication have all been shown to cause depression in some individuals. Alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drug use can also generate depressive symptoms.

? Thyroid disorders
? Epilepsy
? Diabetes
? Multiple sclerosis
? Stroke or Brain trauma
? Lyme disease
? Syphilis
? Huntington's disease
? Parkinson's disease
? Cancer of the pancreas
? Chemical Exposure
? Physical Trauma
? Childbirth/Pregnancy (post-partum depression)

Step 2

Start taking depression-targeted vitamins. Take a multi-vitamin every day, and invest in a good B-vitamin supplement. B vitamins have been clinically proven to help alleviate mild depressive symptoms, and those who are B vitamin deficient often show symptoms of depression as a side effect. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) may be the most important of all these vitamins. Up to 38% of people with depression have low folate levels and those with very low levels are usually the most depressed. Clinical research has shown that depressed individulas are usually deficient in nutrients essential for general health. Some good natural supplements for depression include:

?St John?s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is an herbal supplement that has shown great promise in relieving depression. European studies have shown success with anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and nerve pain. This herb is widely prescribed in Europe, and is available as a dietary supplement in the United States. St John?s Wort can interfere with the action of some prescription medications, so check with your doctor before taking this supplement. ?Omega-3 fatty acids, are naturally present in fish, nuts, whole grains, beans and other seeds. They are also readily available in supplement form. These fatty acids play a crucial role in the function of serotonin and dopamine, two of the most important ?mood? chemicals in the brain.

?Vitamin C has been shown to help the body metabolize other nutrients essential for boosting immune function and fighting depression. It has also been shown to alleviate the dry mouth associated with prescription anti-depression medication.!

?All B vitamins, including folic acid, are absolutely essential for the treatment and management of depression. Eat your leafy greens, and take a B supplement!

Step 3

Switch to depression-fighting foods, avoid caffeine, sweets, and all white flour. All of these boost insulin blood levels, and caffeine suppresses serotonin; an essential brain chemical for the treatment of depression. Do not purchase ice cream, cakes, or other sugary treats. If you have to force yourself to go out and get them, you?ll eat these ?bad? foods less often. Here are some foods that can help you fight depression and feel better!

?Eat protein three times a day (sausage, eggs, chicken, tofu, beef, cheese, lamb, cottage cheese, nuts)

?Eat only complex carbohydrates and fruit (beans, fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread)

?Drink lots and LOTS of water! This seems like the easiest thing to do, but so few Americans get enough water every day. If you drink soda, coffee, and other diuretics, you must increase your water intake. Even mild dehydration can cause fatigue, depression, irritability, and muscle pain.

Step 4

Exercise! Simple exercise, even just walking outside 30 minutes a day, has been shown to have a tremendous impact on depressive symptoms. Some people can manage mild and moderate depression with exercise and diet alone. Syd Baumel, the author of ?Dealing With Depression Naturally?, has said that, ?Basically? being physically active and being depressed are very largely mutually incompatible.?

In 2005, the journal of Biological Psychiatry published a study that showed certain foods and supplements treat depression even better than some prescription medications. Even if you are already on prescription medication, healthy eating and adding anti-depression supplements may greatly enhance your mood, and help stabilize mood swings and depression.

Sources: The Mayo Clinic, The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, News Target

Christine P Silva, BA, CRTP, lives in California with her husband, two children, and three spoiled cats. She earned her undergraduate degree from San Jose State University, and her advanced accounting certificate and California tax registration from Cosumnes River College. She is the founder of the Sacramento Volunteer Tax Preparation Clinic, a free service offering tax assistance to low income and Spanish-speaking taxpayers.

on 12:11 AM

Millions all over the world have benefited in one way, shape, or form from massage therapy. Isn't high time that you jump on the band wagon? Massages provide more than just a relaxing session to soothe your muscles and relax your soles, but to provide healthful benefits as well such as improved circulation, etc.

Men and women alike use massage services regularly because they find it improves their overall happiness and adds that extra bounce in their step when they are at work or in their personal lives. There is something very powerful about the human touch. And when it's a trained touch, the effects are that much more startling.

When going to a massage parlor make sure that you give it some forethought. Try and list some of the things that you enjoy about a massage such as which parts of your body you enjoy a massage at, and also what pressures you enjoy as well. Some people enjoy a more firm massage in certain parts of their body, while others are inclined towards softer, more feathery touches.

Try and get references for some good massage therapists through your professional and personal network. Ask them to describe their experience and see if they recommend anyone in particular. You could always walk into a massage place and take any random person, or you can ask by name if you are familiar with anyone either through personal contact or by reputation.

Homedics massager pertinent offerings and value-added services are available at my site.


on 12:32 AM

When there is easy way to do your aromatherapy skin care at home, why do you have to do it outside your house. You can save money and you can treat your skin properly. You will look fresh and your skin will be healthy although you do it at home.

The important message is that you must not careless with your skin. Although you feel you have complexion and glowing skin, you must understand that?s not forever. You still need to care your skin in order to be healthy because the longer you allow your skin to go without caring, the longer it will get damage. Well, aromatherapy skin care is a good choice.

Why do skins get damage? There are different causes, but generally your skin gets damaged because of allergic, make-up you wear and the sun exposure you endure or maybe stress. In order to control your skin, better you do your aromatherapy skin care since early age so your skin will last you a very long time.

You can do it at home using your aromatherapy skin care or other natural stuffs. Without leaving the comfort of your own home you can relax your body and mind, and also makes your skin better and healthy. Let go of stress. Stress can show up on your face, no matter how well you take care of your skin. Escape from everyday stress with these great home spa ideas that promise to rejuvenate, and renew your natural beauty.

Okay, here are a few tips of aromatherapy skin care that you might want to try at home:

- Use herbs or essential oils for a scent-sational soak in the tub that will melt away your worries and get you ready for your day of pampering.

- Use skin softener and lubricant of sweet almond oil for massage or otherwise applied to the skin. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2 and B6 and some vitamin.

- Steam your face before you do treatment to your facial skin by just standing in the shower for an extra minute or two. This will help to open your pores and improve the effectiveness of your chosen facial treatment.

- Cleanse your face to remove bacteria with aromatherapy skin care that give you natural herbal scent.

- After you are ready, put masker on your face. There is one great fruit masker for all skin types, the papaya facial. You can just mash up a fresh papaya and sieve into a bowl. Pat onto clean skin, leaving on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water, followed by cold water to close pores.

- To relieve puffiness, reduce fine lines and revitalize the sensitive skin around the eyes, you are suggested to use cold compresses. Anything cool will work well.

Everything is so easy. You can do all your aromatherapy for your skin care just from your house. This will be more convenience since you can order your aromatherapy stuff from the Internet. Life has spoilt you, isn?t it?

About The Author: Martha Carles knows aromatherapy very well. She has helped people with aromatherapy. You can visit her Website: MyAromatherapyGuide.com at http://www.myaromatherapyguide.com

on 9:12 PM

?Cerebral? is medical terminology for the brain. ?Palsy? means a disorder of movement or posture. So in simple terms, Cerebral Palsy (CP) describes a group of conditions where movement and posture are affected as a result of damage to one or more areas of the brain. Cerebral palsy is characterized by an inability to fully control motor function, particularly muscle control and coordination.

Depending on which areas of the brain have been damaged, one or more of the following may also be present although every person with CP is affected in a different way:

  • Balance and coordination problems
  • Difficulty controlling and maintaining posture (help required to sit upright)
  • Epilepsy ? Up to one in three children with CP also have epilepsy.
  • Difficulty eating and drinking (swallowing) and talking
  • Learning difficulties

Cerebral Palsy is the most common childhood physical disability. Around one in every 400 children born in developed countries has CP. In the United States, it is estimated that some 764,000 children and adults exhibit one or more of the symptoms of Cerebral Palsy. Around 8,000 babies and infants are newly diagnosed with the condition each year. Despite medical advances, incidence has not declined over the last 60 years.

Often the exact cause of a child developing Cerebral Palsy is not known, but contributing factors can include infections such as meningitis, bleeding into the brain, pressure or blows to the head and lack of oxygen. These may have occurred before, during or after birth and the severity of the cause will affect the severity of the damage caused to the brain. For example, each minute that a baby is deprived of oxygen during a difficult delivery will increase the extent of brain damage caused.

Cerebral Palsy is classified into three main types; Spastic, Athetoid and Ataxic. Those with Spastic CP have muscles that are weak, tight or stiff making it difficult for the person to make controlled movements. Those with stiff or tight muscles will find it difficult to fully extend arms and legs, while those with weak muscles may be unable to stand unaided. Spastic Cerebral Palsy is the most common type of cerebral palsy, accounting for nearly 80 percent of all cerebral palsy cases.

Athetoid Cerebral Palsy is caused by damage to the cerebellum or basal ganglia. These two areas of the brain work in opposition to create smooth, coordinated movements as well as maintaining body posture. Damage to one or both of these areas creates an imbalance that may cause a child to develop involuntary, uncoordinated movements, especially in the face, arms, and trunk. Secondary problems with eating, speaking, picking up objects may also result from the imbalance. Approximately 10% of those with Cerebral Palsy are Athetoid.

Ataxic Cerebral Palsy is characterised by low muscle tone and poor coordination of movements. Ataxic children look very unsteady and shaky and have a disturbed sense of balance and depth perception. This is particularly apparent when walking which is unsteady and can resemble an intoxicated adult. Ataxic children can also suffer from shaky hands which make it difficult to hold a pencil and write.

Although Cerebral Palsy is not progressive (the brain damage does not get worse) and there is no cure (brain damage can not be repaired), tight, stiff or weak muscles will become increasingly so as the child gets older without therapy or treatment and in severe cases surgery. As a result, the child will inevitably become more dependant on their parent or carer and less able to lead any sort of independent life. Appropriate and regular therapy provided from an early age can significantly improve mobility and coordination abilities, independence and quality of life.

Sally Aspinall is founder and director of the Cerebral Palsy Physiotherapy Centre, the only centre of its kind in the UK providing therapy and treatment to cerebral palsy and brain injured children and adults from around the world. Sally can be contacted via the CPPC website or email sallyaspinall@cppcltd.co.uk

on 1:01 PM

Understanding the concept of filters can have a considerable affect on not only how you see your life, but also how you experience it at any one time. We have much more control over our reality than we usually give ourselves credit.

Try this. With others, go to a relatively quiet spot, in nature. Separate and find an isolated spot for yourself. Get comfortable and allow yourself to take in your environment. Experience sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. Just breathe it all in. Notice how many different sensations compete for your attention.

Spend some time focusing on just one sense at a time. Pick a spot rich in variety. Start by scanning it, and then focus in on a particular piece. Zero-in on the tiniest part of what you?re observing. Practice doing this with a number of sights, shifting from wide-shot to close-up and extreme close-up. See just how selective and precise you can be? Do something similar with each of your senses.

Now, take in a few slow, deep breaths and shift your attention to your heart. Breathe in to it for a minute or so. Then, go back to the spot you were just focusing on. Through the filter of the consciousness of your heart this time, begin exploring what you had explored earlier.

Just taking the time away from everyday reality opens up so much more of you on its own. Slowing down works its own magic. But when you set your intention on ?seeing through the eyes of your heart,? a subtly richer world opens up to you as you learn to become more adept at recognizing and staying with that center. It may take a number of times to get the hang of it.

Oddly enough, I find myself beginning a session on heart-consciousness by offering an intellectual, head-centered start that acts as a bridge to the concept which acts as a bridge to the experience. This is what I am doing with this series ? going back and forth from the intellectual to experiential. On the plus side, as I mentioned before, it?s more a matter of placing someone in the position of remembering something that lives inside them rather than starting from scratch.

For me to ?teach? heart-centered consciousness, in person, however, it is best if I am there myself. The second I do make the choice to shift my consciousness, something interesting happens; I tend to shut up. It?s not that I don?t have the words, it?s that I don?t feel the drive to express them. Even in this moment, as I type I feel resistant to having to intellectualize and articulate what is essentially my present state of being.

After seemingly interminable times sitting at the edge of the prairie in silence with the Lakota, I would begin to feel ?attuned? to the person I was with in a connected way that did not require conversation. In so many ways, we just sat together experiencing the same thing (more on this kind of synchronization later). I would ?absorb? the concept by being near it.

That brings into play the power of exploring heart-consciousness with others. The more time I spent with the Lakota, the more present I became in the moment, and it had nothing to do with what I was taught. It is, conceptually, similar to the spark of life being passed from mother to offspring. In the presence of someone in this mode of consciousness, it becomes easier to access.

The Dalai Lama is a great example. In all the films I?ve seen of him, there are lines of people just waiting to be in his presence. He looks into each person?s eyes, connects, and without saying anything of any substance, is just there with the person, and then the next and then the next. He laughs a lot. They cry a lot. I fantasize that the laughter is about the irony of people traveling so far to be with him to encounter something that has always lived inside them!

Now that you?ve had a solitary experience of heart-consciousness, get together with one of the people with whom you have gone into nature. Go to a different spot. Sitting back to back, or within just a few feet of each other, repeat the sensory exercise that you just did solo. Do this silently for about fifteen minutes. Then, face each other and share your experiences.

You will find what you will find, and it?s not my role to lead you on, but let?s just say you will be getting a taste of how people in connection with their hearts come into better connection with themselves, and together more quickly can become in better connection with all things.

Our next installment will expand on the concepts of working with others.

Russ Reina shares over 35 years of experience in the healing arts through his web site http://mauihealingartist.com. It is a potent resource for those wishing to deepen their abilities in connection and develop their powers as healers. For a powerful free tool to explore your inner world, please check out his adjunct site http://thestoryofthis.net

(Permission is granted to reprint this article, unedited, provided proper attribution is made and the signature line -- the above resource paragraph -- is kept intact)

on 7:26 AM

There are many benefits of chiropractic care. If you are considering seeking out this type of treatment, there are many reasons why it can and should be done. Those that find themselves with problems with their body often do not realize that chiropractic care can often relieve these problems when other medicinal options will not. Often times, it is necessary to seek out the help of a chiropractor if relief will be found.

What Can They Do For Me?

There are many physical benefits to chiropractic care. Here are just a few of the things that can be made better in your life through chiropractic care.

? Decreased arthritis and pain in joints that have arthritis.
? Pain relief from all areas of the body, virtually.
? Reduction of pain in the back, legs, feet and knees through the relief of spinal pressure
? Less stiffness in the areas that are treated
? Less muscle spasms throughout the region
? You will be able to move better and more if you were restricted to begin with.
? Range of motion will increase.
? You have better coordination from taking that step to throwing that baseball.
? You have increased energy, self esteem and you just overall feel better

There are additional benefits of chiropractic care as well. When you realign the body as it should be, you relieve pressure throughout it. This often allows you body to begin to heal as it should again. For example, it can help your joints to heal, your tissues to heal and your pains to leave.

Some relief through chiropractic care is actually immediate. Often times, when you lay on a chiropractic table and the doctor works his magic you will get up feeling better. This is due to the fact that the doctor has the ability to realign joints and limbs that are not right now. That means that when he puts them back into place he can and he will provide you with a lot of immediate relief.

Other times, a chiropractic care treatment can leave you a bit sore and aching. This is due to the very same reasons. Consider the fact that your body has been out of line for so long that it is going to feel different and it may hurt a bit to fix it. Although your doctor will tell you what to expect from the chiropractic care treatment, it is a sure thing that benefits are likely if you need them.

Ideally, everyone should seek out a doctor for this type of treatment. Yet, this is not always the case. The benefits of chiropractic care should push more people into doing it because it can be so overwhelmingly beneficial to your body and your mind's well being.

Sandy Sizemore writes on many consumer related topics including health care. You can find lower back pain treatment and low back pain relief and more by visiting our health care website.

on 9:58 PM

If you?ve never used aromatherapy massage oils, you owe it to yourself to try it. You?re in for a totally unique experience. Whether you want a massage to relax or to rejuvenate or even to heal, using aromatherapy massage oils brings the body?s senses to new heights.

Aromatherapy has made steady gains in use and for good reason. Offering the perfect combination of mental and physical well being, there is no better way to take advantage of aromatherapy than to enjoy its fragrances in massage oils.

Our body?s different senses have been shown to have a direct affect on how we feel. For example, the nose is a very sensitive part of your body. Without it, you cannot taste or smell. Imagine your favorite foods. Now, imagine you cannot taste them. That is scary, everything you eat with no taste! How do you think that would affect your attitude throughout the day?

Studies have shown that the part of your nervous system that helps to control your emotions is connected directly to your nose. Lack of smell can cause symptoms ranging from depression to anxiety and this is only one of your senses. With the knowledge of how the mind depends on the feedback from your senses, the idea of aromatherapy exploded onto the scene.

One of the more popular types of aromatherapy is massage oil, because of the variety of uses to target specific issues. Aromatherapy massage oil treatments are unlike any other oils. Whether you are in need of relaxation or need something to perk you up, there is an aroma to fit the immediate needs. Aromatherapy massage combines two excellent methods to evoke your body?s response in whatever area you feel is needed.

There are so many different types and manufacturers of aromatherapy massage oils available, it would be a good idea to do your homework before using. For the best treatment ideas, it is always best to find and pay a certified therapist to ensure you understand how to get the most impact from aromatherapy massage. Especially, when using for the first time.

To explain a couple of different oils and fragrances we will start with Lavender essential oils. Lavender essential oils are one of the few oils that you can apply directly to your skin. It is said to have burn relief power. It is important to note that these oils should not hurt you, however, if this is your first time using essential oils never use them directly on your skin unless under safe direction. Other oils are required to be diluted before use with other base oils.

Another oil gaining in popularity is the Yland Ylang essential oil. Yland Ylang essential oils have very unique properties as well. It is said that these tropical plants have the power to both arouse and sooth the senses. It also goes by another name Cananga Odorata.

Adding aromatherapy massage oils to your therapy program is one experience everyone should try at least once. (Be careful they have been known to be addictive). With the combination of massage and a scented room to awaken your senses, you have the ultimate in relaxation and healing.

Sanji Gretta has been practicing aromatherapy for quite a while. His latest website Aromatherapy Source is designed to give novice aromatherapy practitioners a introduction to the wonderful world of aromatherapy. Visit Aromatherapy Source Now to find out more about Aromatherapy Massage Oils.
