on 7:42 PM

Energy healing, a wonderful advancement on alternative therapy, is used to reduce stress and boost confidence and spiritual happiness. It is all associated with the magnetic channels of energies that surround our bodies. Energy healing regulates them and the results are marvelous. These therapies focus on removing clots formed by blocked energy channels from our body auras and charkas. It is non invasive and hence a preferred method of healing for many patients.

It is a spiritual approach to the inner self of a human. It then boosts harmony, clarity and alignment. Practitioners of natural therapy, study and practice for years before they are able to provide effective treatment to patients. They treat people through prayers and focus of mind. They then unfold the altered state of consciousness to clear the imbalances in the energy fields of our body. Techniques such as releasing, reframing, healing the memories, and self-forgiveness balance the aura by expanding it into wholeness.

Once all these imbalances and disturbances are cleared, the energy channels resume their task of integrating the body mind and soul to restore the mental health and wellness. Energy healing can also be performed from a distance also. Experts work from other continents, over telephones, to cure their patients suffering from mental imbalances.

Experts use the same technique of focusing to treat patients even from overseas. The level of their expertise is not measured from the distance they?ve covered in treating their patient?s energy field. It is thus possible to provide a highly effective distance energy healing treatment to a patient in a remote location, even thousands of miles away. One natural distance healing therapy over the telephone usually lasts from 30 to 90 minutes. One should take special care that this time is very precious and there should be no interruption or distortion during this session.

A few precautionary measures that should be taken care of during this session involve the following steps:
* Set a comfortable place to sit or lie down during the therapy session that is free of interruption.
* It is a good practice to keep the room slightly dim and light a candle just before the session starts.
* Metal effects the energy channels around your body so it is better not to keep any metal surface near your body during the session.
* The temperature of the room should be moderate. If it is cold then keep a blanket or sheet around.
* During the therapy it is best to just relax your mind or body as the task is carried out by the expert..

These tips should be followed in all kinds of energy healing sessions whether they are nearly performed or distant.

Alternative Medicine

on 12:57 PM

My childhood memories of aromatherapy are restricted to the beautiful diffusers that my father bought for diffusing the essential oil aroma. Though they were largely clay pot diffusers, they looked attractive in varied colours and shapes.

Diffusers come in the category of aromatherapy accessories. Aromatherapy accessories include the whole range of storage boxes, bottles and jars, diffusers, burners, containers, dispensers etc. Essential oils and other aromatherapy products, being so precious (not exactly in price but in face value to the user), demand special concern in the form of aromatherapy accessories.

Storage box:

It is important to get the best storage boxes for storing your essential oils. Essential oils may get contaminated if exposed to too extreme temperatures. Similarly, direct sunlight is harmful for the aromatherapy products. The most common material used for preparation of storage boxes is alder wood. The boxes will be beautifully carved and given a natural wood finish. When shopping for storage boxes, check that it contain wooden dividers and brass clasp fittings. Also, decide the storage space before making the buying decision.

Bottles and jars:

Essential oils must be stored in dark amber or cobalt blue bottles. These are the best containers to prevent deterioration of the essential oils. Since essential oils are contaminated when exposed to direct sunlight, clear glass bottles are a strict no-no. Plastic bottles may be avoided, particularly when concentrated essential oils are to be stored. It is believed that the oil erodes the plastic and thus it gets deteriorated. The market today has large options for people shopping for bottles and jars. They are available in ranges of 5 ml to 10 ml. Bottles with beautiful designs can be purchased. Some manufacturers also offer the option to design on demand the bottles.

Electric diffusers:

Diffusers are one of the most popular aromatherapy accessories. They are available in a wide range from electric diffusers, nebulizers, fan diffusers, clay pot diffusers etc. They are a cleaner and more effective way of perfuming the environment. Electric diffusers can be left unattended too without the fear of it leading to fire, since there is no naked flame.


Though dispensers and pipettes are only minor aromatherapy accessories, they are quite important. Use an ordinary dispenser and you have the danger of deteriorating your oils. When oil is dispensed from its container, a part of it is left on the pipette. It reacts with the oxygen outside and gets contaminated. When again the pipette is used, the contaminated oil contaminates the entire bottle of oil. So one must purchase the dispensers too with care.

In this way, we see that aromatherapy accessories have a large role to play in increasing longevity of your essential oils. So, take the same care when buying the aromatherapy accessories as when you buy the oils.

Bryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants. To find Aromatherapy essential oils,Aromatherapy Accessories,essential oils wholesale visit http://www.ndaroma.com

on 7:03 PM

Everyone has a lot of extra fat and cellulite they would like to remove from their body. There are also a ton of options you can choose from for help. The options for weight loss products range from bars and shakes all the way to the surgical procedures like liposuction. The bars and shakes in many cases are bogus and do not really work and the surgical procedures do work for some things but not for others. The one thing that does work very well is mesotherapy. Not a whole lot of people are familiar with mesotherapy and that is what we want to clear up for those of you doing research on ways to lose fat.

Mesotherapy is a procedure that consists of injections of various medications and vitamins into the skin to break down the cellulite that has built up in the specific area. The main goal of mesotherapy is to sculpt one?s body, reduce their cellulite and to rejuvenate their skin. Cellulite is the major reason that we have found that people seek out this procedure. Cellulite is basically the bumpy and dimply texture of the skin caused by the hardened connective tissue that holds the cells of fat together. The basic idea is that the fat cells expand from the additional fat entering or water retention and the connective tissue called septae expands with it. The connective tissue solidifies and when the fat cells shrink or expand further the tissue holds the skin in place and that creates the dimples in the skin. There is a more scientific way to put it but that is the general principle.

Mesotherapy is used to do a bunch of things of which a few of them are get rid of fat clumps, improve blood flow to body parts, soften and eliminate cellulite as well as improve lymphatic drainage. These are some great things for both the person?s self image and the health of their body.

Mesotherapy is not a surgical procedure so there is not lag time between the procedure and the returning to work. There are no anesthesias?s to deal with nor any hospital stays to worry about. Continue to do your research and figure out if mesotherapy is for you.

Find more information about Mesotherapy and learn how Mesotherapy works.

on 5:57 PM

More than eleven million people in the United States suffer from depression each year. This medical condition that affects the mind can have lasting effects such as a feeling of hopelessness, lack of ambition and an inability to focus. Depression can affect all age groups and genders, but is more prevalent in women. Consulting a mental help professional such as a psychiatrist is beneficial to obtain proper diagnosis and treatment. This condition can adversely affect school, home life and employment.

Most treatments will involve a combination of drug therapy and natural remedies for a fully balanced physical and emotional state. Medications will likely involve some form of antidepressant drug. The most commonly used types are: tricyclic, Monoamine oxidase inhibitors or MAOI?s, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRI?s. SSRI?s have become the most popular form for treating depression because of the lower risk of side effects. These drugs include names such as Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft.

Therapy is often prescribed with drug treatments to help a person come to terms with issues, symptoms and techniques for dealing with depression. These can be group or individual therapy sessions to talk about issues. Expression therapy such as dance, art or music can help articulate deep feelings and emotions. Relaxation techniques will assist in bringing focus and serenity. Yoga and meditation are ideal forms of this.

Changing lifestyle to promote a better self image and naturally adjust chemicals in the body has also proven helpful. Eating a well balanced diet and adding supplements such as fish oil, Zinc and B vitamins help regulate depression. Exercising several times each week is also valuable. Alternate treatments such as acupuncture and hypnosis may be beneficial to help alleviate symptoms of depression and melds the body, mind and spirit.

It is important to discuss all treatment options with your physician or psychiatrist to decide on the proper combinations. Each person has different levels of depression and a treatment plan should be customized to the individual. If using supplements or radically changing your diet; make sure to inform the doctor so those can be taken into consideration when developing a treatment plan.

Depression does not need to negatively affect a person?s life. With proper treatment, many depressed people live full, happy, successful lives. It is important to take action to help minimize depressive tendencies in order to allow a better sense of well being and peace. Using a combination of drug therapies and natural remedies will bring a balance to mind, body and spirit.

About The Author
Gray Rollins is a featured writer for http://www.depressionso.com. To learn more about depression treatments, visit http://www.depressionso.com/naturalantidepressants/.

on 1:00 PM

People seek alternative therapies for fibromyalgia for many reasons: a desire to avoid numerous prescription medications, the ineffectiveness of prescription medications, the number of unwanted side effects associated with them, or a desire for a more natural therapy for fibromyalgia are just a few.

On this page, we look at some of the currently available alternative therapies for fibromyalgia and some of the natural products that have helped some patients obtain relief.

But before we do that, we will first cover conventional treatment for fibromyalgia.

These typically include sleep medications, muscle relaxers and pain relievers. Doctors may also prescribe anti-depressants, anticonvulsants and/or reuptake inhibitors. It is not uncommon to see reports of patients that take ten or more different prescription medications.

And despite all of this, people search for alternative therapies for fibromyalgia and grasp at anything that may give them relief.

Acupuncture and hypnosis are being studied as natural therapies for fibromyalgia relief. Scientists are doing research in an effort to learn why acupuncture is an effective natural therapy for fibromyalgia for some people.

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves placing very thin needles in the skin at certain points throughout the body. Acupressure is a similar technique that does not involve needles, but applying pressure to those same points. It is sometimes recommended as one of the alternative therapies for fibromyalgia, because doctors do not understand exactly what causes the widespread daily pain that is the most common symptom of fibromyalgia.

And since conventional medications are often ineffective, may be addictive, and can cause numerous unwanted side effects, even doctors look to less conventional methods of treatment for the condition. As a natural therapy for fibromyalgia, acupuncture has been effective for some people and may be worth a try.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy and pain management therapy are sometimes used as alternative treatments for fibromyalgia.

Rather than relieving the pain, these therapies focus on coping with the pain, learning to relax the muscles, reduce stress and avoid negative thinking patterns that may make the perception of the pain greater than it actually is. These alternative treatments for fibromyalgia focus on the mind-body connection and, in particular, how the mind can affect the body. Cognitive-behavioral and pain management therapies have been effective for some people.

Massage and chiropractic therapy are sometimes used as alternative treatments for fibromyalgia. Many people think of chiropractors as back doctors but, in actuality, misalignment of the vertebra may press on nerves and cause pain in other parts of the body, so chiropractic therapy has become a highly recommended form of treatment for all types of chronic pain and may be an effective natural therapy for fibromyalgia.

The effectiveness of massage as a natural therapy for fibromyalgia is questionable. Some patients report that deep muscle massage is actually uncomfortable and increases pain.

Yoga, meditation, prayer and biofeedback have all been used for alternative therapies for fibromyalgia with varying degrees of relief reported. Yoga, swimming and other forms of regular, low-impact physical exercise may accomplish several things as a part of natural therapy for fibromyalgia.

First, regular exercise increases muscular strength and endurance. Second, endorphins released by the brain during exercise are natural pain relievers and mood enhancers. And third, physical activity increases blood flow and oxygen supplies to the muscles. A lack of oxygen in the muscles is believed by some to be one of the causes of fibromyalgia pain.

As natural therapy for fibromyalgia, many people have tried herbs, botanicals and vitamin supplements. Proper nutrition is also important in good health. Unfortunately, chronic pain often leads to depression in many people and, subsequently, they forget or don?t care about eating right and taking care of themselves.

Some of the vitamins and minerals that may be considered as alternative therapies for fibromyalgia include B-complex, omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. These recommendations are related to enhancing energy, mood and healthy joint function.

Sam-E is sometimes recommended as a natural therapy for fibromyalgia, but Sam-E can have unwanted side effects and should be used with care, as should St. John?s wort and kava for depression relief. None of these herbal, botanical and vitamin supplements which are sometimes recommended as alternative therapies for fibromyalgia can relieve pain, but there is one botanical product which often can.

The mangosteen is a fruit that grows only in areas of Southeast and Central Asia and was used traditionally by native peoples in these areas to treat a number of conditions including pain.

Laboratory studies and chemical evaluation has shown that the mangosteen contain analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents and Cox-2 inhibitors, all of which are pain relievers.

Many people who have tried mangosteen supplements or juice as a natural therapy for fibromyalgia have reported amazing results. Of the many alternative therapies for fibromyalgia, mangosteen is one of the few that can address many different symptoms, not only pain, but also depression, fatigue, sleeping problems and lack of energy.

Mike Leuthen is chief editor of http://www.restore-your-health.com, a free resource covering health conditions A to Z. Please visit us for more information on how to alleviate fibromyalgia.
